Friday, December 31, 2010

How To Glue Pearl To Silver

Brothers knives

Fraternal posters throughout the municipality from the league, probably wanted to wish a happy new year to loved ones allies ...

When Will Flagyl Start To Work

LETTER TO THE EDITOR "Giornale di Brescia"

Mr. Director,
the newsletter "Here Castel Mella, a periodical edited
of the City of Castel Mella, a decision of the majority
council denies' s
access to members of the opposition. For this reason I ask about accommodations for
, with some examples, the citizens of Castel Mella Brescia and
the public on how to administer
chosen in this town by the Northern League and its allies.
1.La the Board of Castel Mella 05/10/2010
resolved in the field of birth registration of foreign citizens
prescribing additional requirements for non-EU citizens
. UNAR (National Bureau against Racial Discrimination
Ministry of Equal Opportunities)
asked the Mayor of Castel Mella
the withdrawal of the measure because it is not in line with national law and international
. The City has only partially complied
taking time waiting for the inevitable beginning of one new

2.Sempre hangs on racial discrimination at a UNAR
our report on the Municipal Statute
that art. 1.6 stands for the residents of
ethnic belonging. We await the actions UNAR
3.In the 2009, the Board of Castel Mella
withdrew its resolution by which it excluded from the premiums agli studenti più
meritevoli i cittadini stranieri. Lo ha fatto per iniziativa
giudiziaria e perchè investita dalle proteste delle
associazioni più rappresentative del paese
4.Il ruolo di “Revisore Unico dei Conti” è stato assegnato,
naturalmente dietro congruo compenso, alla signora Monica
Margariti moglie del sen. Mazzatorta, Sindaco leghista di
Chiari. Decine di candidature di stimati professionisti
bresciani sono state escluse
5.I ruoli di responsabili dei settori Lavori Pubblici e
Urbanistica dell'amministrazione sono stati affidati dal
Sindaco rispettivamente all'Arch. Monaco, Sindaco leghista
di Dello e al Geometra Rigosa, Assessore leghista Rodengo
Saiano, chosen out of the ranks of civil servants
6.La soc. Castel Mella municipal services has the Board of Directors
Mrs. Monica Colombo
appointed by the Mayor in place of her husband Mr. Vittorio Andreoli,
League City Councilman, who resigned from the soc.
because of incompatibility of the law
7.The 'ing. Bonomelli Guido, Mayor League's full-time for two terms and then
Provincial Councillor
until the last election, was stopped on 10/1/2010 to the political
profession to pursue a new career in
"Lombarda Spa Resort", a company wholly
controlled by the Lombardy Region. Of course, thanks

All this happened while Castel Mella
was almost entirely built with consumption of territory in
same period, and not fear any comparison with the
set in motion a huge real estate interests.

I just think that the fury
propaganda against foreigners serve only to steal the good faith of
voters and that the vocation of these directors is to look instead
in party politics, nepotism, in
protect interests unrelated to the vast majority
of citizens.

John Caramagno
Cape civic group list
United Castel Mella.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Los Hombres De P[aco Watch Online

on the agreement of Mirafiori.

La mia sull'accordo di Mirafiori.

Molto modestamente, da studente universitario (fuori corso fra l'altro) e laureato triennale mi permetto di dire la mia sull'accordo firmato sullo stabilimento FIAT di Mirafiori. Spero che Landini mi perdoni (poi avrei il piacere di sapere da quanto lui non fa i turni assembly line).

Personally, as far as I could read the newspapers and on the Internet, I believe a deal wrong and unattractive. Why? I go for points:

1. It seems to me that "capitalism" Italian has not yet realized that the way to sacrifice the workers to revive the country does not work. Even today we suffer the effects of policies, compressing the rights of working men and women (especially younger) I have weakened the purchasing power and confidence about the future.

2. From here I think it seems unnecessary to restart the plant shifts by providing much more costly for the workers. Motivandolo come un necessario aumento della produttività. Si allungano i turni e si comprimono le pause... I lavoratori possono guadagnare di più? VORREI VEDERE! Lavorano di più, che devono guadagnare di meno???

3. L'attacco più forte è dato alle rappresentanze sindacali ed agli stessi diritti sindacali dei lavoratori. Chi non firma l'accordo si dice resterà fuori dallo stabilimento, non saranno gli operai ad eleggere le proprie rappresentanze ma saranno nominate dall'alto. E su questo vorrei capire una cosa, gli iscritti FIOM che fanno? Devono stare zitti? Non possono più essere iscritti alla FIOM per lavorare?

4. Altro attacco veramente inaccettabile is that the right to strike. Who will be fired on strike, crazy stuff!

5. And I close, it is said that this is necessary to ensure investment. But a company that invests, does not simply his own? And this is normal fielded only with extraordinary effort required of workers, if they simply are not doing their work ...

In Bailam policy began after the signing of the agreement allow me to indicate the position of FASSINO Stefano, head of the national work of the PD, Fassina saying " You can not think in any way to override a fundamental right also to achieve shared. The question arises Fiat a real problem: the need by companies to see who met the rules in the contracts are signed. But however this may not be at the expense of rights. "(here the whole interview ).

The other items, foremost that Fassino, I just seem useless ... Once those who follow a theme for the Democratic Party has a clear position. ... ... fen!

We also recommend the joint document Stefano Fassina, chief economist and labor PD, Gianfranco Morgano, Secretary Piedmont PD, Paola Bragantini, Secretary PD Torino, always on Mirafiori.

Happy reading! AND NO agreement Mirafiori!

Even this content below, Salvatore Tropea, published on seems interesting

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What Is The Current Research For Albinism


At the beginning of 2011, nearly 500 people with disabilities in Italian prisons, Lombardy led the rankings. So it is necessary that lack of attention, turn off the indifference of most. Just today a 27y.o. boy has died in prison of Frosinone in the financial Tremontiane the latter are removed, you can not find money for all the blanket is short ...

So you clear the fund for disability, but in the meantime, government spending increases. One thing is sure, the municipalities will have to make do in the coming years, in spite of federalism!

Nadine Jensen In Nursing Bra

It meets the Town Council

It meets the


Tuesday December 28, 2010 at 20:30
at the hall of the Municipal Council of Riolo Terme

1) Announcements from the Mayor
2) Approval of the minutes the previous meeting held on 29 November 2010
3) Update reconnaissance subsidiaries of the City of Riolo Terme
4) Approval of the general criteria concerning the rules on the structure of offices and services
5) Convention for the implementation of the intervention required by the Environmental Action Plan 2008-2010: Adaptation to the DM 08.04.2008 ecological station of the City of Riolo Terme
6) Approval of the provincial program to the education of children and pupils with disabilities in schools of all levels in accordance with LN 104/1992

Monday, December 27, 2010

How Do They Check For A Cyst?


The LEAGUE DEXTROSE Castel Mella officially opened his campaign, obviously at the expense of taxpayers.
The new issue of the magazine here Castel Mella there is clear evidence, a clear example of use for political information the newspaper paid for by all, and I repeat all citizens.
Honestly we do not care Galeazzi councilor election as secretary of the League of the board 28, which draws from the national utility of this information?
If it is a pride for the league dextrose, did a comic at their own expense in order to publicize news such as unnecessary.
reflect instead taking as inspiration the titles here at Castel Mlella:
• THE SQUARE TORNA ALL’ANTICO SPLENDORE: Nulla da dire salvo che nella fase progettuale la LEGA DESTROSA avrebbe fatto meglio a pensare che un ampliamento così sarebbe stato causa di problemi alla viabilità, la prova viene dal fatto che il Pulmino “17” per Castel Mella non riesce più a passare dal centro causando disagi a chi utilizza il servizio di trasporto pubblico.
• GALEAZZI SEGRETARIO DELLA LEGA DEL COLLEGIO 28: Ho già in precedenza espresso il mio giudizio riguardo l’uso dell’informazione pubblica fatto dalla LEGA DESTROSA.
• UNA NUOVA TANGENZIALE UN’ALTRA PROMESSA MANTENUTA: Anche qua riguardo le promesse mantenute voglio ricordare quelle elettorali, utili per raccogliere voti ma presto by those who have forgotten their promises, this summer I was hoping to swim in the lido in the summer much touted campaign, but would only say it like shooting on the Red Cross, in other words too simple, but the facts remain, after many years we can only say that the Memorial Avenue roundabout has had a cost of over € 100,000 for the citizens of Castel Mella, while the remainder was funded by the Province. But still
day of December 27 10 I do my fair queue to exit the country. •
SUBMITTED TO THE MINISTER MARONI "CASTEL MELLA MODEL" FOR SECURITY: The LEAGUE DEXTROSE can fill the mouth of the word "security", but the reality today is well otherwise, to guard the territory we have only four local police officers, if we do the math, we have an agent every 2750 inhabitants.
to do some 'cronostoria is best to remember that it was entered into an agreement with the local police Roncadelle, but always by choice ALLOY DEXTROSE the agreement was revoked in order to conclude a new one with the Provincial Police.
The question is, How many cars have you seen the provincial police guard our territory? I personally no.
This convention was signed when the commissioner Bonomelli was still welcome in the province.
The paradox is that statistically there are more per capita doctors in the developing world that local police officers involved in the defense of the territory of Castel Mella. PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL
• EFFICIENT: We fly over, 10 pages would not suffice to explain what the concept of efficiency ALLOY dextrose.
• A SMALL, GREAT IDEA TO HELP PEOPLE WHO ARE 'IN TROUBLE': At last, Councillor Walker realized that for years are paying the economic crisis on their skin, too bad you forgot to say also that we presented amendments to the budget of almost € 100,000 at no cost to the citizens, asking for cuts in certain costs such as the reduction of 50% of emoluments.
Con quei soldi chiedevamo la realizzazione di un fondo a sostegno delle famiglie di Castel Mella, è inutile dire che il voto della LEGA DESTROSA fu contrario e unanime, bocciando così tutte le nostre proposte.
• UN ANNO DÌ SPORT PER VINCERE LA SFIDA PIU’ IMPORTANTE: Mi ricordo come fosse oggi l’inaugurazione del Velodromo intitolato a Marco Pantani, allora il sindaco si fece immortalare mentre faceva un giro a bordo di una bici da corsa, con tanto di tenuta da ciclista, e oggi vedo in una fotografia nell’articolo che il velodromo è utilizzato non per delle manifestazioni ciclistiche, ma è utilizzato per la corsa con le BOTTI, “POVERO PANTANI”.
• ANCHE CASTEL MELLA HA IL “SUO” MERCATO CONTADINO: Non si è avuto nemmeno il buon senso di dire che questo mercato nasce da una proposta presentata in consiglio comunale dall’opposizione, ma le forme di comunicazione della LEGA DESTROSA sono chiare a tutti, giacché non viene concessa nemmeno una pagina alla minoranza, mentre Ospitaletto, noto paese amministrato dai comunisti “scherzo” amministrato anch’esso dalla LEGA DESTROSA da anni nel loro giornale concede spazio a tutti i consiglieri, di maggioranza e di minoranza, che siano LEGHISTI ROSSI?

Potrei continuare per molto ma perché spendersi tutta ora, basta attendere il prossimo POST, per ora Auguro a tutti i cittadini UN FELICE ANNO NUOVO.

Ginmario Masserdotti.
List Civic United Castel Mella.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Is Wedding Excused Absence

evening with the guys from "Chiesina 2010"

Evening with the boys' Chiesina 2010

The staff at the little church in 2010, the team chiesinese born last September and that plays in Group B of the amateur championship series Aics Iv ^ - Lucca is organizing an evening reception at all friends and supporters of the team!

The event will take place from 20:30 on Monday, 27 December, at the bar "Baraonda" by way of Fantozzi, Chiesina Uzzanese course.

The grid for the coals will be conducted by the association president Dr. James chiesinese Ghilardi, wine for drinking is unlimited.

The participation fee is 15 €!

A found this link the event of the evening on Facebook.

If you want any info on changes in the 2010 championship Cheisina connect to the site of the provincial committee Aics of Lucca or right here, where you can download and read the latest official bulletin of the championships.

The event was originally scheduled for Thursday 23, but just learned of the tragic death of the young Leonardo Rosellini, was immediately decided to postpone the event also out of respect for the family Rosellini and the many friends of the young Leonardo.
The photo of the team is FRANCE SPORT, reproducible with the obligation to cite the source.

How Long Does A Radiculopathy Last

Gelmini decree the president 'vote' alone (Republic Tv)

live democracy!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

When I Cough Lower Left Abdomen

elections approach

The majority of our Municipality has inaugurated its "campaign" for the elections to be held next year, an article appeared in the Journal of Brescia on 18/11. The article is a Special - Castel Mella dedicated (udite! Hear!) Ecology and "green challenge".
The green is hard to bet ride, particularly since it is always an issue to the attention of the center-left. This initiative indicates a fear that will characterize the right as when ecologist ecologist never has been. This "eminent domain" is intended to fail miserably. The reasons are many and the green bet is lost from the outset. Here's why:
1) Castel Mella , know well the children's crèche, has built and continues to build for 15 years now, in an exaggerated and reckless, with a number of homes on offer that, by far, exceeded, over the years, the demand We are now dozens and dozens of empty apartments.
2) are not only built houses, has also given the opportunity to various companies to build warehouses and warehouses to have seen a use of land which led to identify our common among those who consumed more land in Italy (not only in Lombardy ..).
3) did nothing, I repeat nothing, in 15 anni,  per combattere l’inquinament o. Qualche anno fa non hanno neanche aderito allo stop dell’uso delle automobili la domenica, dopo che molti Comuni, in tutta la Lombardia,  l’avevano volentieri sottoscritto. E adesso vengono a scrivere sul Giornale di Brescia che  “ si è cercato - appunto solo cercato, senza però riuscirci – di combattere l’inquinamento con grande decisione(???) e con tutti gli interventi possibili..(quali interventi? l’articolo non li riportava!!).                                                                                          
I can say, from city councilor, who fought, it is true, but only those proposals of the minority. A few examples of explanation: ; ; ; Example No. 1: Some time ago we proposed to rent a unit for the detection of PM 10: rejected by these gentlemen, today all great ecologists. Example No. 2: Use of piedibus to send their children to school who live in proximity to it and then not to use cars to his parents until now if they do not do anything ...
4) say: "We designed the road changes to remove queues .." They have not drawn anything and I urge everyone to get out from Castel Mella from Memorial Avenue, from 7 to 8:00 in the morning ... By the way occhio alle rotonde: per raggiungere la tangenziale Sud da via Torbole sono tre. Il vantaggio è tangibile: per il tempo che si aspetta a superarle tutte, si può fare anche amicizia con i conducenti degli altri veicoli…
5)       Dicono: “Abbiamo cercato di valorizzare i corsi d’acqua ed il verde ..”                   Ma quale Green remained in Castel Mella? Perhaps it refers to what is around the round? ; ; ; ; In Consiglio Comunale, l’assessore Mannatrizi o ha detto che dove esisteva un prato costruiremo un capannone che darà lavoro ai cittadini di Castel Mella, anche perchè “un prato non produce niente ”.. Alla faccia dell’ecologia. (In quel capannone-lo sanno anche loro- lavoreranno solo ed esclusivamente extracomunitari).
6)     Dicono: “Ci siamo spinti con lo stesso impegno e determinazione nella direzione delle energie alternative..” A me non sembra. Nell’ultimo Consiglio Comunale (29/11)sono “spariti” alternative energy well € 140,000 and honestly I do not understand why .. - Certainly not been paying attention. "
Councilor Walker, in a gesture of sincerity, he said "have to deal with resources far ILIMIT" and adds that " big are the problems being experienced by many families of our country and critical situations affecting children .. "One of the few center-right that he finally realized that we really are in crisis .. chapeau.
For all these problems, however, the City has found the solution: give away kits for composting waste. You do not want to end up in Naples?  
                                                                         Nicola Mauro – Consigliere Comunale

How Many Different Tyoes Of Braces Are There

The sun shines on Asylum of taxes Rovizza

The City Council yesterday I was informed the 'boot a study for the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof of asylum Ursula, after a year and a half of requests made to the administration finally puts us in step with the times. Also positive response to a second instance that I presented the board last year, or to participate in the calls regional allocate several million Euros for the development of alternative energy riqualificaizone and efficiency of public buildings.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cat Water Fountain Battery

Merry Christmas .... with helium and stories aimed

Merry Christmas .... with helium and stories aimed

Anzi, con Il complesso misterioso...

La più bella canzone di natale mai scritta... Altre info qui!


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hair Left After Brazilian

The snow blocks all .... and all Chiesina Uzzanese.

La neve blocca tutti.... e tutta Chiesina Uzzanese.

Puntuale come lo scorso anno, il 3° fine settimana di dicembre l'Italia è stata colpita da una forte ondata di gelo e neve, precipitazioni che hanno bloccato tutto e tutti.

Personalmente I can bring the situation back to Florence, where 30-35 cm of snow blocked the city, trains and highways. I think the responsibility belong to different subjects. Of course, individual citizens could leave the house with snow chains, could not get on the road, but realistically I think this is an argument lacks credibility.

I mean, I could also take the chains, but if the roads were not cleaned from the snow, where no one thought to spread salt to prevent ice, enough chains? And those who thought public transport? Individual citizens could travel with chains if all the buses they were lacking and, therefore, could not travel?

Always on public transport, you really think that those who had to travel to work would choose public transport instead of car? Why would he do if the same public transport you are stuck, even more than the means of private individuals ..

Everything is a system that does not work, the trains and stations are not up to the highways to collect if they are close to the frigate taken before the snow, you are only concerned to clear the lanes a When locked ... that band.

And in all that much blame belongs to the individual level? Well of course no one gave much weight to warnings by LAMMA and Region Tuscany, and it was decided to intervene, often too late ...

is always on the behavior of individual municipalities do not want to be controversial, and I understand the difficulties of local authorities, especially the smaller ones, but I would marry the criticism of many citizens about what has been done by the Administration chiesinese . In nearby towns, even with limited resources, we use outside contractors to provide for the cleaning of streets and the spilling of salt ... A little church I am not much has been done .... In the streets of the country reigns ice and snow ...
Ah, obviously you clean the main square, only one, to allow those usual 5 machines to park .... A nice service for all citizens.

I believe that the ability and the strength of an administration can also be measured by the ability to deal with emergencies ... Count, not even the markets ... But these are serious things ... And if you are not able to deal with serious matters such as these, at least he is honest enough to admit it ...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Makes Females Wet

Olympics: Medal bronze at the World Cup for Italy.

taxes in 2009 with 43.5% of GDP exceeded even Belgium. Now we are just in front of Sweden and Denmark. In addition, the employment rate of young people are penultimate. Government is the great
risultatodel Berlusca, but the pd? Just a nuisance?
Here is our proposal: the road map to free the producers, the progressive, federalism.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Triple X Syndrome Blog


the last city council, compared with bedding budget, the administration Gori presented the three-year plan of public works. In 2010, there are the new elementary school and renovation of Giorgi Piazza. But to date there does not track! The usual book of dreams center-left! Scandalous ..

Mini Seizures Symptons

Federalism in the dark of pdl / alloy, municipalities are charged at the end

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Anthony Michael Hall Tickle

December 14, 2010 - Initiative of the PD Chiesina Uzzanese hunting on the transfer.

December 14, 2010 - Initiative of the PD Chiesina Uzzanese hunting on the transfer.

The circle of the Democratic Party of Chiesina Uzzanese organized for next Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 21:00 pm, a public on issues relating to the hunting of the transfer.

The public meeting will be held at the Hotel Da Beppe, entrance Via Vittorio Veneto.

Rino Fragai, provincial councilor to hunting, fishing and the environment. Giovanni Pratesi
of Federcaccia
Sandro Orlando, president of the Confederation of Italian Farmers Pistoia

So .... Good hunting and see you Tuesday!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Imágenes Del Culo De Jenifer López

Back on "reform" Tremonti-Gelmini.

Back on 'reform' Tremonti-Gelmini.

So I have some 'thought about what is written in my post of 30 November about the protests against the approval of the university reform ...

I must admit that I may have a bit 'too much to condemn certain modes of protest "extreme" as the blocking of trains ... And unfortunately I confirm that I think are wrong ways to protest, in the sense that I would not. It should be said that many students complain that, having decided to "put all their future" on a university education and research, are stranded with the cuts proposed by the Government.

because I think the real point is this, if there are things in the reform can be shared, and God forbid, the basic idea is to cut because the University is a cost and not a resource. I can also fit the part on the reform and greater accountability in the management bodies of the university of universities, to try to optimize the resources available to universities. I will be fine (more or less) will be recruited as teachers ... But the bottom line is another thing: BEFORE YOU CUT THE BEST POSSIBLE WITH AN ORDER IN JULY 2008! Then they waited over two years to make a "reform" of what was cut, without providing new resources but only promising new ones, it is not known when they arrive ...

All this makes me very angry, to be sure not to block trains, better take the Tower of Pisa or the cupola of the Brunelleschi. But I do not feel 100% to condemn those who feel cheated about their future and choose forms of protest that do not share ...

Ah, if you like to read the text of the reform debate in the Senate be found here. To give you an idea ...

Naughtyamerica Chomikuj

Chiesina Scout Group meeting on the earthquake in Abruzzo. The university protest

Chiesina Scout Group meeting on the earthquake in Abruzzo.

Tuesday 7 dicembre, ovvero ieri sera, il gruppo Scout di Chiesina Uzzanese ha organizzato un interessante incontro con la partecipazione della Caritas di Pescia sul terremoto in Abruzzo, infatti la scorsa estate il Clan del gruppo chiesinese ha effettuato la propria route estiva in Abruzzo a sostegno dei terremotati che, dopo più di un anno, sono ancora spesso fuori dalla propria abitazione senza che sia stato messo in campo un progetto serio per ricostruire i paesi distrutti dal terremoto, preoccupandosi più dell' "emergenza" che della ricostruzione vera e propria.

Un esempio di questo è stato riportato dalle vive testimonianze dei cittadini abruzzesi presenti alla serata che, ancora oggi, vivono in a MAP (a prefabricated bigger than a container but also much more expensive) without being able to design the reconstruction of their country seriously come down with the earthquake, and unable to even enter their homes to retrieve clothing or cos' more.

thank the Friends of the Scout Chiesina Uzzanese, in which I had the opportunity to scout activities for several wonderful years (then it's cycling ...), for organizing this wonderful evening! Why no one says how things are seriously in Abruzzo .... And they are much worse than what he says in the Tg1.

Let me point out this link hosted by Google where you find lots of information and news on the earthquake in the Abruzzi.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tropical Outdoor House Paint


Our group of center-right Union of the Rubicon has presented the last council, a document calling for the three mayors, Battistini-Gori-Gasperoni, to oppose the merger between our health district Rubicon Coast-with that of the Valle del Savio. The merger would be to delegate our social / health totally Cesena with severe impairment of quality of service in our area. This is the vision that governs us under the thumb of the left to the will of authority and Cesena. We want to defend our territory and social assistance services.
addition, the majority has attempted to vote in the council of the Union but ineffective that a document has been withdrawn because of no use, then going to the papers passing it off as approved. Shame!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Images Cancer Of The Tonsils


protest on university Novoli.

Then, during these hot days of the protest on the university side I would say, very modestly, my Novoli about what is happening in and nearby areas (station Rifredi).

Then, in Novoli even compared to last year's protest is heard much less, almost nothing. Why? In my opinion for two reasons:
- first year students this year, often the most sensitive, had the experience of last year's famous wave, which has grown like a wave before disappearing on bagnoasciuga. It found no serious answers in politics (some of the Democratic Party proposed a referendum against the cuts unfeasible Gelmini, that feeling! And that attention to the problems of school). I therefore believe that the new members at the University have also rightly some doubt on certain movements of protest.

- secondly, we have to Novoli, let's face it, not that we will break their backs to mobilize and inform students, in fact. In recent weeks the peak of the protest was to occupy (and remove) D5 in the classroom. The other years, the Sixth Polo and the right of the center have proven to live longer, you really feel the difference this year.
Added to this is that the concentration of political phenomena are concentrated in because of pandects. Phenomena that, after months of nothing, came up with a casino initiative with Santanchè exaggerated and that after the obvious answer of Swift, on the pretext of protesting have to take this opportunity to eat free meals, and their friends. Indifference, right, other students should give pause to many heads (?) Hot about the usefulness of such forms of protest.

But the real peak of genius hath been touched today! To win the support of masses of workers and commuters in the evening they come home by train, it was thought to occupy the rails Rifredi. What Ganzi! Too bad that no one has ever bothered to do leafleting in the street or lessons in the morning arrival of commuters ... We would have to wake up early! Better to take the tracks!

For now I think that's enough, and always about the university you point out the proposals of the Democratic Party here.

(ah, I wrote this post standing on the packed bus from Florence that brought me back home, I'll spare you the comments of fellow workers. All votes taken at gelmini yes!)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Como Morre Um Paciente Gbm

right just not ...

right just not ...

Anyone who knows me knows what it considers a thinking head, one of the best, Massimo D'Alema ... I would however say that the claims on ' interview published today in The Messenger is not quite acceptable, and I'm talking about the section on electoral alliance with Fini.

On many parts of the interview can also be arranged, but the point of the alliance for the next election I would say that is not sustainable thinking to ally with Fini. Because it is the same person from 1994 to 2010 has supported and voted every Berlusconi law ad personam. On the reform of the university Gelmini Fini announced that it will vote on the reform FLI (university students protesting how to motivate the alliance with FLI ???), ah already voted on the school, in fact, composed only of cuts, I voted related work, etc.. In the past, has given its name to the "Bossi-Fini", etc ... I do not think are enough to download the latest thoughts and Berlusconi, also because I fear having understood that he did not start at the end of his political career.

Even in time of crisis in the Berlusconi government Fini claims that he stand aside but I do not think is available to an executive of national responsibility, rather we only request the entry in the majority of the UDC, partly to counter the Northern League.

On the necessity of executive accountability are deeply convinced that it is essential in the current situation. An executive who changed the electoral law and do something serious about the dramatic situation of work, particularly younger people.

It is said that without broader alliance that opposes Berlusconi could win back .... I personally believe that the task of the PD is concerned about the deployment of the center-left, to give him a point of reference and a dependable guide. Trying to gather as many votes as possible.

And if Berlusconi wins anyway ...?? Oh boy, if people vote and if it is right to take more votes to win .... In sports, in life, it always plays better wins or who is more serious. You can not think of stopping the drift caused by Berlusconi Italian elections with alchemy. In 2008 he chose to run alone in order to strengthen the result of the PD, and in that situation was hard to do otherwise, in 2009 we supported a (right) electoral reform for the European also to enjoy a bit 'of the effects of the useful vote this year to try to limit the damage we have ever had to make hasty decisions to the regional, that's enough.

The PD will be credible if we are able to say with a serious and credible proposal, having as reference point the center-left, its electorate and its set of values. With all these goals have little to do.

On the subject of the proposals a bit 'far-fetched I would also add to Nicola Latorre . We did the PD for 3 years, Bersani is secretary for 1 year and already we are talking about changing everything! Enough! We work well with what we have, and then we'll see. This desire to always shuffle the cards on the table just broke me.

Friday, November 26, 2010

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rebel for the future.

rebel for the future.

These days are, thankfully the country, the uprising of students and workers in schools and universities against the "reform" and Tremonti Gelmini. And therein lies the main point, the real point that the idea that this government has university and school!

That is, first cut in July 2008, by decree, the oxygen in schools and universities. "Law 133" is not nothing but a series of cuts, but not to waste anything!, Which has devastated the entire Italian education system.

The examples are there for all to see, paperless gypsum and school teachers, often housed in dilapidated structures, libraries università (tipo quella di Firenze) che da mesi non possono più acquistare libri perchè non ci sono soldi, e via così. Non dimenticandosi le migliaia di professori e personale precario che Tremonti ha mandato a casa da un mese all'altro!

A tutto questo va aggiunta la "riforma" voluta, vorrei sapere quanto pensata, dalla Gelmini. Che, e il link che vi segnalo lo spiega bene, rischierà di dare il colpo di grazia finale al sistema universitario PUBBLICO! Perchè, ovviamente, quello privato è stato ben sovvenzionato da tremonti e amici.

Se poi ci aggiungiamo il taglio del 90% , Ninety percent of the funds for the scholarships is understood as the right to education is seriously questioned!

That is, the cuts in moments so you can even understand, but not in areas that are critical to ensure growth, civil, moral and economic, of a country! Without study, without research, as is thought to re-start Italy? To all this I wish that those who support the indiscriminate cutting of Tremonti give me an answer.

And then the students will rebel! And do it well. Of course, always without violence, protests blatant as the climb on the roofs or employment for a few hours of the Tower of Pisa. But all this è necessario per far capire quanto il futuro non tanto degli studenti, quanto del paese Italia tutto, sia in futuro! Ah, vi segnalo questo articolo di Alfredo Reichlin, non certo un estremista, che non sarà certo un giovane ed ha l'età per essere rottamato, ma ha le idee che tanti giovani ganzi nemmeno si sognano!

Community Servicetemplates

It meets the Town Council

It meets the

CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 29, 2010 at 20:30
at the hall of the Municipal Council of Riolo Terme

1) Communications Mayor
2) Approval of the minutes of previous meeting held on October 28, 2010
3) Modifica al piano triennale delle opere pubbliche 2010/2012 ed elenco annuale 2010
4) Variazioni e assestamento generale di
bilancio di previsione esercizio 2010 e pluriennale 2010/2012
5) Aggregazione delle aziende romagnole del TPL: modifiche statutarie di Atm, conferimento delle azioni di Atm, riordino del sistema della mobilità
6) Accordo di programma tra la Provincia di Ravenna, il Comitato Provinciale CONI, l'USP Ravenna e i Comuni del Territorio per la promozione e la diffusione dell'attività motoria nella scuola dell'obbligo - Approvazione-
7) Approvazione convenzione con l'Associaizone Sportiva Riolese per la concessione in uso e gestione del campo sportivo Comunale di via Berlinguer, 1 per l'anno 2011
8) Nomina della Commissione consiliare per la revisione dello statuto e dei regolamenti comunali
9) Servizio di trasporto scolastico - Rinnovo convenzione con i Comuni limitrofi.

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Il girno 29/11/2010 è convocato il consiglio comunale alle ore 21:00.

Ordine del giorno;

1- Approvazione verbali seduta precedente.
2- Comunicazione deliberazione della giunta comunale N°72 del 04/10/2010 riguardante il prelievo dal fondo di riserva.
3- Esame ed approvazione assestamento definitivo di bilancio di previsione 2010
4- Approvazione piano attuativo "P.E.7" sito in via Vittorio Emanuele II° ai sensi della L.R. 12/2005 e S.M.I.
5- Approvazione piano attuativo "P.E.8" sito in via Solone Reccagni ai sensi della L.R. 12/2005 e S.M.I.
6- Approvazione regolamento comunale per la regulation of advertising.
7 - Approval of regulations for the loan from refurbishing with a driver.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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29/11/2010 Information relating to the layoff.

Today the crisis makes it increasingly difficult our families.

The data show that:
In October 2010 compared to September 2010: Ordinary
layoffs fell by 58,758 hours or 3.8%;
layoffs has been a remarkable increase 969,220 hours 36.6%;
layoffs in derogation has been an increase of +431,128 hours equal to 46.5%;
total in October 2010 compared to September 2010, the layoffs increased by 1341 hours equal to .590 26.1%.

In October 2010 compared to October 2009:
- ordinary layoffs has declined to 4,266,624 hours 74%;
layoffs outstanding increased by 2,719,077 hours equal to 301% ;
layoffs in derogation has contracted for 2941 hours equivalent to 0.2%;
total in October 2010 compared to October 2009, the layoffs had declined to 1,563,432 hours at 19% .

Period: January-October 2009: 40.070.130:10 hours = 4,007,013 (average hours month)
4007013 Hours: 160 = 25,044 workers
+14,474,162 hours equal to an increase 36%
Period: January-October 2010: 54.544.292:10 = 5,454,429 hours (average hours month)
5454429 Hours: 160 = 34090181
The data show that: the first ten months
of 2010 over the same period of 2009: Ordinary
layoffs fell by 43% 13,863,188 hours;
the layoff had an extraordinary increase of 19,097,718 hours equal to 472.6%;
notwithstanding the layoffs had increased to 9,239,632 hours equal to 242%;
globally in the first ten months of 2010 compared to the same period of 2009, the layoffs (the ordinary and extraordinary notwithstanding) increased by 14,474,162 hours equal to 36%.

In the ten months of 2009 over 25.00, as if workers have been laid off at zero hour;
In the ten months of 2010 as if more than 34,000 workers have been laid off at zero hour.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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Assessor guide presents once again the new theater that would arise out of the center of the Province of San Mauro Cagnona when used instead of new schools and new classrooms for high school laboratories.
In our opinion it is necessary to give priority to our country and certainly the theater is not a priority! to meet the needs of our children and families.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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Si riunisce il
Giovedi 28 ottobre alle ore 20.30
presso la sala del Consiglio Comunale di Riolo Terme

Ordine del giorno:
1) Comunicazioni del Mayor
2) Approval of the minutes of previous meeting held on September 29, 2010
3) Change to three-year plan of public works and 2010/2012 annual list in 2010
4) Changes in budget year 2010 and 2010/2012 years
5) Approval of Agreement with the Province of Ravenna for intervention implementation cycle and hiking trail hiking and nature of character from the town of Riolo Terme Island along the Casolana
6) Approval of the final variant of the master plan and adoption agreement
7) Agreement for the territorial expansion of the functional commercial center of Faenza alongside the A14 in accordance with art. 15 LR 20/2000
8) Approval of agreement between the towns of Bologna and Cirsa for operational support for maintaining the EMAS certification.
9) Renegotiation of loans granted in part by Cassa
10) Adoption of energy qualification program called "Ravenna Green Energy" covnenzione approval scheme for the distribution of grants to local authorities to the implementation of qualifying energy programs.
11) Parking ATM SpA - Dismessione participation

Sunday, October 10, 2010

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Public transportation by the school assigned to the Rubicon ATR is making water from all sides. Families and children in this first year are suffering hardships and failures due to delays and routes and stops disorganized. Not the last episode of the forgotten child on a school bus. We believe that the union and the three unions must take immediate action against ATR reviewing the expectations of the service. In Union Council have tabled a question.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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It meets the Town Council

It meets the

CITY COUNCIL Wednesday September 29, 2010 at 20:30
at the hall of the Municipal Council of Riolo Terme

1) Mayor's announcements
2) Approval of the minutes of previous meeting held on August 2, 2010
3) Communication of the City Council resolutions for withdrawal of the reserve fund
4) Amendments to the three-year plan of public works and 2010/2012 annual list 2010
5) Changes in budget year 2010 and 2010/2012 years
6) Status of implementation of programs e verifica degli equilibri di bilancio
7) Esercizio pubblico Bar Pizzeria I Pini - contratto di locazione - ulteriore proroga di mesi 3.
8) Adozione della variante parziale 2010 al piano regolatore generale vigente del Comune di Riolo Terme
9) Assegnazione area all'Associazione Volontari di Protezione Civile
10) Risposta ad interrogazione presentata dal consigliere Valenti Vincenzo prot. 5987 del 29 agosto 2010.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

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Si riunisce il
Lunedì 2 agosto 2010 alle ore 21.00
presso la sala del Consiglio Municipal Riolo Terme

1) Communications
2) Question of the Objective Gruippo Riolo People of Freedom on certain balance sheet items of Senio Energy Ltd
3) Approval of the minutes of previous meeting held on June 29, 2010
4) Change to three-year plan of public works and 2010/2012 annual list 2010
5) Changes in budget year 2010 and 2010/2012 years
6) Agreement with neighboring municipalities for integrated service nursery
7) Approval of agreement for the creation of innestro Street Via Bologna Via Zaccagnini
8) Approval of the final variant of the Prg 2010 specification requirements.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

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City Council of Transparency 28/06/2010

The Town Council was convened for June 28 h 21 with the following agenda:
1) Approval of minutes from previous sittings
2) Communication from the City Council Resolution No. 38 of 19/04/2010 regarding the withdrawal from the reserve fund
3) review and approve changes to the regulation of urban police
4) Consideration and approval of Regulation on Administrative Procedure
5) Consideration and approval of its right of access regulation

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

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In view of a financial maneuver that will surely ask for sacrifices from all citizens, with any reductions in transfers to local authorities, Roma chair ensures a future pension.

We talk of social security contributions that our common versa alderman Guido Bonomelli:
1) Euro 1849.00 per month by way of social security contributions paid to INPS.

2) Euro 350.96 per month by way of contribution paid severance pay to the employer, of which € 67.87 monthly by the Municipality of Castel Mella and Euro 283.09 monthly load of ' concerned.

In a time like this where the crisis bites families and not just an administration must account for every penny spent, even for those who have made the choice to do the immoral but legal professional politician.

SOURCES Castel Mello.
Gianmario Masserdotti

Thursday, May 20, 2010

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.... Green Snail! Contributions

inform the citizenship of an episode segnalatoci by one of our fellow citizen, residing in Via Matteotti, evidence of time of maintenance and management of green in our common : I would say ... Snail time! These
cleaning and grass cutting of the flower is located in Via Matteotti.
Monday 24 May, a month has passed by first alert (24aprile) made by Mr. Conti office responsible for the management of green in our municipality. The answer was that the intervention would have been immediately executed!
Monday 17 Mr. Conti went to the offices of the Municipality, where risollecitava Mayor and Councillor for Environment and Ecology to intervene, as the bed as well as having tall grass contains dirt. It is not the first time who is dealing with him directly, in order to restore cleanliness and hygiene in the absence of public interventions.
Here attached some photos of the flower ....
with our reporting, we hope you possa risolvere il problema!