Friday, December 31, 2010

When Will Flagyl Start To Work

LETTER TO THE EDITOR "Giornale di Brescia"

Mr. Director,
the newsletter "Here Castel Mella, a periodical edited
of the City of Castel Mella, a decision of the majority
council denies' s
access to members of the opposition. For this reason I ask about accommodations for
, with some examples, the citizens of Castel Mella Brescia and
the public on how to administer
chosen in this town by the Northern League and its allies.
1.La the Board of Castel Mella 05/10/2010
resolved in the field of birth registration of foreign citizens
prescribing additional requirements for non-EU citizens
. UNAR (National Bureau against Racial Discrimination
Ministry of Equal Opportunities)
asked the Mayor of Castel Mella
the withdrawal of the measure because it is not in line with national law and international
. The City has only partially complied
taking time waiting for the inevitable beginning of one new

2.Sempre hangs on racial discrimination at a UNAR
our report on the Municipal Statute
that art. 1.6 stands for the residents of
ethnic belonging. We await the actions UNAR
3.In the 2009, the Board of Castel Mella
withdrew its resolution by which it excluded from the premiums agli studenti più
meritevoli i cittadini stranieri. Lo ha fatto per iniziativa
giudiziaria e perchè investita dalle proteste delle
associazioni più rappresentative del paese
4.Il ruolo di “Revisore Unico dei Conti” è stato assegnato,
naturalmente dietro congruo compenso, alla signora Monica
Margariti moglie del sen. Mazzatorta, Sindaco leghista di
Chiari. Decine di candidature di stimati professionisti
bresciani sono state escluse
5.I ruoli di responsabili dei settori Lavori Pubblici e
Urbanistica dell'amministrazione sono stati affidati dal
Sindaco rispettivamente all'Arch. Monaco, Sindaco leghista
di Dello e al Geometra Rigosa, Assessore leghista Rodengo
Saiano, chosen out of the ranks of civil servants
6.La soc. Castel Mella municipal services has the Board of Directors
Mrs. Monica Colombo
appointed by the Mayor in place of her husband Mr. Vittorio Andreoli,
League City Councilman, who resigned from the soc.
because of incompatibility of the law
7.The 'ing. Bonomelli Guido, Mayor League's full-time for two terms and then
Provincial Councillor
until the last election, was stopped on 10/1/2010 to the political
profession to pursue a new career in
"Lombarda Spa Resort", a company wholly
controlled by the Lombardy Region. Of course, thanks

All this happened while Castel Mella
was almost entirely built with consumption of territory in
same period, and not fear any comparison with the
set in motion a huge real estate interests.

I just think that the fury
propaganda against foreigners serve only to steal the good faith of
voters and that the vocation of these directors is to look instead
in party politics, nepotism, in
protect interests unrelated to the vast majority
of citizens.

John Caramagno
Cape civic group list
United Castel Mella.


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