Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Weekend Clubs In Atlanta Under 21

The woman is the most wonderful thing that exists ...

The woman is the most wonderful thing that exists ...

Today is March 8 ... Everyone remembers the women, the casino, many parties, many mimosa ... Let me pay tribute to the many women, girls, friends, comrades, that I know or do not know, a little known piece of Piero Ciampi ... That unfortunately left us too soon.

The song is "But you're funny ".... Culminating ...." love is her husband's life "..


Monday, March 7, 2011

What Song Is On Ross Kemp On Gangs In Jamaca

Sirmione happy island?

E 'in the distribution in Sirmione "letter from the mayor," newspaper no place where the majority of the representatives who voted FSD 1911 Sirmione, the Civic Party to which I belong. In the articles inside, so I assume unsigned written by Mattinzoli, this month is an article entitled "Sirmione happy island."

be made for comparing the rates with those of the town of Desenzano, Sirmione, noting a significant cost difference in favor of a savings for us peninsular. We assume a confrontation with the town of Desenzano "reality probably comparable." I do not think it is , to the extent of territory that must cover and the number of girls and boys to be met, if only for a more complete offer.

course socili services are increasingly a cost to the municipalities, should also be remembered that the dark Tremonti pesatomolto more on banks than on our Desenzano. In short, we need a more complete picture, not just make a simple relationship between the figures, in comparison tma collection of "Door to door", for example, be immediately trashed by our mayor!

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Make Someones School Life Miserable

reached 10 million signatures

not may call into question the reality of the many people who are involved in collecting signatures, "Berlusconi resign" ( thank all Garda che lo hanno fatto ). Devo testimoniare anche io, come ha detto ieri sera Bersani ad Annozero, che una cosa così non l'ho mai vista. I più a cui chiedevo di firmare, mi prendevano tutto il modulo per farlo firmare anche ad amici, vicini e parenti.

Più di 400 firme a Sirmione, oltre 600 a Desenzano e superate le 700 a Salò . Firme vere raccolte al banchetto, non sul sito. Questo è il fulcro della campagna denigratoria de il giornale e di libero: si sono divertiti ad inserire nomi fasulli sul sito del pd nazionale e poi hanno riportato la notizia di una raccolta patacca.

Se c'è tanta smania di infagare la petizione "Berlusconi dimettiti" significa che abbiamo raggiunto il result! Nevertheless, I think it is highly disrespectful to the millions of Italian citizens who have signed, you tell me if this is journalism ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Drink Before You Go To Work

Castel Mella is now WI-FI

E 'keen to the United Civic Party Castelmella proposing and responding to specific areas Wi-Fi access free of charge, upon registration in the municipality of Castel Mella.
Preference will be areas of greater vitality, access points, hot spots such as Park John Paul II and the Piazza del Comune. Will be provided initially on an experimental two hours a day access.
We believe that in 2011 with the introduction on 1 January of the new regulations also residentid Castel Mella should be offered an important opportunity for communication with the times.
With personal computers and leaflets explanations will be offered a demonstration of some of the opportunities offered by Wi-Fi connectivity: Reading newspapers (Giornale di Brescia / Bresciaoggi), also on-line consultation e-mail, view videos, news and information content, use of foursquare, twitter, facebook, skype, and more.
We believe it may be an additional tool for transparency, primarily administrative activities, socialization and communication and information for residents.

Will Steam Cleaners Hurt Laminate Floors

The King of billboards

also put up a poster for public space begins to be a problem . Today I happen to pass away in San Martino in Sirmione and notice that a bridge of four seats is being cleaned (left cycle is at rest and scratch the posters present). Small detail: the four posts present only three have been scratched for the cleaning, the fourth is still posted a nice poster for the league .

Certainly it has happened more volte di avere a che dire con l'attacchino che con troppa disinvoltura posizionava i manifesti del pd sul retro delle plance, vista campo per intenderci, secondo l'ICA (copperativa affidataria del servizio) è tutto lecito, per loro è indifferente il fornte/retro.

Peccato che il costo di affissione non vari, se poi ci aggiungiamo questi ultimi episodi, l'irritazione aumenta di molto!

Example Of A Monthly Counseling

Minister of Darkness

"C'era una volta un Paese che si svegliò da un lungo sonno, aprendo gli occhi scoprì che il sole era alto nel cielo. Così cominciò a vestire i tetti delle proprie case con dei panni magici che trasformavano il sole in energia elettrica.

Un giorno però arrivò un cattivo stregone who decided to obscure the sun, dragging it the beautiful country in the long sleep from which he had aroused. "

IRESC not explain it if you do not think it's a fairytale! How can a Minister of" economic development " kill one of very few fast-growing sector in our country ? What will the hundreds of companies and workers in alternative energy? will all be made in nuclear power plants?