Monday, January 31, 2011

Should I Stay Off Work With Tonsillitis

Meeting 1/2/10 Public Meeting

To gather ideas, proposals and availability, the list "United Castelmella" held two preparatory meetings in the drafting of the program: one on issues related to personal services (education and social policies, culture and sports) and the other on the issues land (environment, urban planning and public works). The first was held in December, now the second. TUESDAY, February 1 H

20:30, Council Chamber at the Town Hall

(Environment, Town Planning, Public Services)

Participants: Erik

Boniotti - Urban Councillor Passirano
Michele Gussago - Mayor of Gardone Valtrompia
Michele Orlando - Mayor of Roncadelle

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rosary Beeds And Gang Activity

Quick thoughts on the municipal budget of Chiesina Uzzanese.

Veloci considerazioni sul bilancio comunale di Chiesina Uzzanese.

Solitamente non mi piace molto scrivere sulla base di fonti indirette, però volendo scrivere qualcosa sul bilancio 2011 approvato dall'Amministrazione comunale di Chiesina non poteva che fare così...
Onestamente, colpa mia, non ho avuto modo di partecipare al Consiglio comunale in cui è stato approvato il bilancio, bilancio che è disponibile a questo link , appena letto con attenzione sono pronto a rivedere quanto scrivo ora.
Però ero fiducioso che, data l'importanza che la nostra giunta ripone nella comunicazione, il finalmente nuovo e bello giornalino comunale avrebbe illustrato nel dettaglio il bilancio comunale, peccato che non sia andata proprio così..... Si vede che non c'erano esponenti regionali che lo potessero spiegare...

Così mi rifaccio su quanto uscito sulla stampa.

Allora, il sindaco Borgioli si pregia del fatto che la sua amministrazione non ha effettuato tagli, andrebbe però aggiunto che i comuni sotto i 5.000 abitanti non sono rientrati, per ora, nella scure di Tremonti che, nella sola provincia di Pistoia, priverà gli enti locali di 7,6 milioni di euro...!
Quindi era certo più semplice per i chiesinesi non dover tagliare...

Si apprezza la celerità del procedimento che ha permesso di approvare entro dicembre il bilancio, nessuna novità visto che già nella precedente amministrazione andava always so ...

But they are two points I wish to emphasize:

- The amount of infrastructure costs that are expected to cash is exaggerated, especially when considered over the next three years. This seems to me to have it clear even our administrators, in fact the planned new investments are few, perhaps because it is known that the projected figures are unrealistic. It seems to me that intervention of the newspapers Borgioli is a confirmation of what I say, it is assumed that the decrease in the current economic burden will result in a reduction of investments .... clearer than that!

- The decision to increase the TARSU , the fee for waste disposal, in greater proportion than the family business seems to me an error and a lack of respect for the many families in severe financial difficulties. How Borgioli says is true, the economic situation negatively affected traders, but because families no? Are perhaps less affected many employees who are struggling to make ends meet ...?

As I said, before anyone treat me badly, just give me time to read the entire budget for good and if I said the inaccuracies were the first to admit the error.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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TO-100 ... Feast of the Holy Child Jesus

now missing a few numbers to reach our one hundred outlets. Entering the eighth year of life we \u200b\u200bcan be more than satisfied with the work fine now. Many outlets with articles denouncing, voices of protest and the facts of citizens. Sometimes relayed to other flight omitted from those responsible, but all will be there. How can there be that the parts, except for two of the three founders, had our staff, renewed in spirit and soul. New brands, new photos, new opinions, but the same fighting spirit and above all superpartes. We do not know certainly the right or the left, each has his own ideas, but the good of the city, it is logical, therefore, deserves praise as those who criticize it should be. If we praise or criticize is seen as sycophancy like rowing against we can not do anything about it, unfortunately, human intelligence has a limit subjective in all of us, that is to say that every sentence can convey meaning is always different.

GP not to those who want to continue in this work finished free for our city and we will as always with the desire and perseverance that sets us apart forever. We even take care of those who, in passing, vuole screditare il nostro operato infangando la persona e non l’operato; non ci curiamo di chi si serve dell’amicizia politica che restringere il nostro raggio d’azione; non ci curiamo di chi utilizza la legge per abbatterci quando la legge l’ha sempre evitata.

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Hospital 8 February at the start, but loses pieces

Mentre sui giornali regionali i politici dell’area calatina fanno a gara per chi debba attribuirsi la paternità del nuovo plesso ospedaliero, l’Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale emana i primi decreti di chiusura di reparti. Infatti dal 17 gennaio il reparto di ortopedia sarà definitivamente chiuso diventando solo un ambulatorio e sala gessi. La decisione va a favorire senz’altro il “Gravina” di Caltagirone che grazie anche alla battaglia intestatasi dal proprio Sindaco assorbe l’importante reparto a danno del “Basso Ragusa” di Militello. Una decisione che nessuno sta contestando, né i politici locali né il Sindaco, forse perché al nostro nosocomio sono stati assegnati due surgeries, ophthalmology and otolaryngology, that someone wants to pass as the user departments to shut up.

seems especially strange silence of the administration, mayors and others have gone well in front of hospitals to bind our politicians quietly accept any decision, so now we Militello ENT. Meanwhile

seems imminent opening of the new complex of Viale Regina Margherita, which is already too large for the reduced services of our hospital. It is only the prelude to a total absorption is too soon to tell, but that within two years have already gone two departments is a matter of fact.

Sebastiano Caruso

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Day January 6, on the occasion of the Epiphany, was held in the Parish of San Nicola - Holy Saviour the traditional festivities of the Baby Jesus

Before the celebration of Holy Mass, the procession took place "Epiphany of love" with departure from the Church of St. Agatha to the array of St. Nicholas Parish - Holy Savior.

the fact statue of the Baby Jesus, after the celebration of Mass and the evening's draw for the Epiphany Parish in the matrix, was carried in procession through the main streets of city \u200b\u200bto the abode of the family that has taken him throughout the week. This year, the Child received the warmth of the family of Mr. Licciardino Via Paul Abraham, where he was accompanied with songs and prayers, hundreds of faithful in a long procession.

Mario Sibilla Guzzone

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"A righteous man"

He's gone quiet on a cold day beginning of winter. The silence that was his style and because of its shape became more seal. Not because he had not words to say, the gentleman is not the Friulano wasted or used a few, all significant and full of flavor, and often was preceded by the facts. Who does not remember that news blackout of his players on the sports dailies announced 26 June '82 because of the criticisms and insults received before and during the World Cup? The "vecio" was the architect of Italy's most beautiful football history (Argentina '78). E 'in the torrid summer of 1982 he led his boys and a whole country to lift the World Cup. He leaves a those few people who managed to unite the Italians. And of the many words that have been written and said during his memorial I want to remind those of the captain Dino Zoff, the sole spokesman of that triumphant news blackout: "It 'was a good man." " The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice" (Psalm 36.30). " The lips of the righteous nourish many" ( Proverbs 10:21). Today in football so we need men like Enzo Bearzot.

closed his career at the World Cup in Mexico '86 and coached more. In a world where football coaches were beginning to become experts not only of tactics but of controversy, to scream, a screenwriter, and especially of idolatry of his image on TV, in print and on the bank account, Enzo Bearzot stands out like a coach out of time. It is precisely because of this timelessness that he remains not only the largest of its time but this time, the time of "football without a soul" . Giorgio Tosatti wrote in Corriere dello Sport after the victory World: "Lift up that cup, Dino and take it to the caresses Bearzot ... because it is his! ... Have you got a gift in a country priceless: faith in himself ". With these simple words in an interview with Guerin Sportivo sang the victory of his boys: "It 's a world title that no one can dispute: we won four games against schools below several football , Latin America and Europe, and no one can say that there was something nice, we won a world championship in more cleanly as perhaps had never happened ". With humble and wise leader.

Alberto Asti

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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says there is a problem close to us, and we should address it.

Dice ci sia qualche problema vicino a noi, e dovremmo occuparcene.

Negli ultimi giorni, mentre in Italia siamo dietro alle tristi vicende del, purtroppo, nostro capo del governo, in tanti paesi vicini al nostro si sta sviluppando una inaspettata escalation di proteste popolari contro i governi non democratici di Tunisia, Algeria, Egitto, Albania...

Su questi movimenti, spesso guidati dalle generazioni più giovani che chiedono maggiori diritti, libertà e lavoro, si dovrebbe riflettere. Prima di tutto perchè, troppo spesso si da per scontato che la democrazia si sia solidamente affermata nei paesi a noi vicini. Il secondo motivo, personalmente, ritengo sia legato agli effetti che questi movimenti possono avere. Si avvierà il percorso verso una democrazia vera o, magari perchè premiate dal voto popolare, prenderanno il potere (e mi riferisco ai paesi del nord-Africa) forse anti-democratiche legate a movimenti estremisti? Su questo credo sarebbe buona cosa riflettere.

E di questo si dovrebbe occupare la nostra diplomazia, invece il caro "ministro" Frattini si preoccupa di andare in Senato a riferire sugli importantissimi documenti sulla casa di AN a Montecarlo, che schifo! (ovviamente su richiesta del suo padrone-premier).

La Farnesina credo sarebbe anche bene se seguisse da vicino la crisi albanese , anche per i forti legami fra i due paesi. Se fossimo un paese riconosciuto come serio all'estero, l'Europa ci avrebbe certamente chiesto di fare questo, invece si è rivolta al diplomatico slovacco Miroslav Lajcak . Si vede che contiamo proprio tanto!!!

Sulla crisi albanese vi segnalo due link che ritengo utili, il primo è un link al documento/rapporto prodotto dall'OCSE in occasione delle elezioni parlamentari albanesi del giugno 2009, l'OCSE è la "Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe" che svolge da anni attività di monitoraggio anche delle elezioni. Si fanno delle interessanti valutazioni sull'andamento delle elezioni, il cui risultato contestato dall'opposizione è alla base delle agitazioni da essa promosse in questi giorno.

Se poi volete approfondire meglio la situazione del paese balcanico questo è il link al sito dell'OCSE e in particolare della stessa missione in Albania.

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Sirmione Services, because of advances on future consumption?

«Perché vengono chiesti continui anticipi sulle bollette dell'acqua quando la società comunale si presenta con bilanci in attivo?».
Questa la prima protesta che Forza Sirmione Democratica, compagine all'opposizione, muove all'indirizzo della giunta di centrodestra Mattinzoli. Ma there's more, they complain that the advisers of the minority, as "a lack of transparency in the acts, delays in the delivery of documentation for use by municipal council members, answers to questions often incomplete."
also says the group formed by William Saggioro, Donatella Garlaschi, Patrick and Andrea Toniolo Volpi (Luca Azzoni not participating in the municipal councils for some time) that "it is pointless to ask for clarification: to find news and information services are hampered by Sirmione. And speaking of the society, the minority throws the first strike.
"Because there's advances on future consumption of water? From the statements of the mayor in the municipal council of Mattinzoli December 30, Sirmione Services does not have the problems of accounts. So why can not eliminate this heavy tax, to more "advanced" to ease the burden of families Sirmione? ".
Another issue, then, but always on the bills. The opposition is asking "if the procedure is indeed legitimate to conclude that give citizens rent their properties to the formula of joint responsibility for any arrears of tenants against the power company." More
may not know, according to the directors of the minority, because they are excluded by the Board of Sirmione services, "effectively nullifying the representation of about 2 000 people who voted FSD.
The group also complains of the "substantial and unjustified delay in answering the practices necessary for conducting the Board and control of documents and answers to questions posed to the mayor Mattinzoli are often incomplete" and thus forced 'to propose continuing the same demands. "
The town clerk, Dr. Andrew Cacioppo, but notes "in a reasonable time has always answers the minority, but for reasons related to privacy, not all documents may be released as they claim. Also, given the functional load of the offices is extremely difficult to fulfill requests that require dozens of work long. "


* reply * I note that we are waiting for two months of the staffing plan of the town of Sirmione and services, but what privacy? is a right to have the information needed to carry out the mandate of advisers, there is no reasonable time, but time dictated by law, not discretion to someone!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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phone call to Berlusconi infidel: Gad Lerner insults and orders the ...

Towards the end of the episode last night the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, called Live The Infidel, producing a barrage of insults. Then he invited the MEP of the PDL, Mortal Coil, to abandon the study.

Monday, January 24, 2011

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January 24, 1979 - Assassination of Guido Rossa. The

24 gennaio 1979 - assassinio di Guido Rossa.

Anche quest'anno mi pare cosa giusta dedicare tre righe a quanto successe il 24 gennaio del 1979, giorno in cui i delinquenti delle brigate rosse uccisero l'operaio genovese Guido Rossa.

I want to bring back what I wrote last year, I think one thing all in all well done, I hope it is appreciated.


home on Via Guido Rossa for years, this name is no longer seemed to me more than the sum of two words , did not seem correct to write only the Red (as I like the word) ... Growing up I had the chance to better understand why the city administration in animals 80 Chiesina had rightly decided header just a way to Guido Rossa.

Guido was a factory worker Italsider of Genoa, CGIL delegate and member of PCI.

Delinquents Brigades killed him on the morning of January 24 1979 mentre si stava recando al lavoro, lo ritenevano "colpevole di essere una spia" (fra molte virgolette perché tali criminali non si potevano permettere proprio nulla verso un onesto lavoratore) per aver denunciato un suo collega operaio che distribuiva materiale a firma BR all'interno dello stabilimento dell'Italsider.

L'assassinio di Guido Rossa segnò un momento cruciale per la storia del terrorismo brigatista, per la prima volta la delinquenza br uccise un operaio, un lavoratore impegnato nel Partito e nel Sindacato. Se mai ce ne fosse stato bisogno, fu la conferma di quanto le BR fossero tutto tranne che un qualcosa vicino alle classe operaia...

Per chi volesse saperne di più, segnalo:

- la pagina Wikipedia on Guido Rossa .
- the link to an episode of "The story we are" murder of Guido.
- The card on the film by Giuseppe Ferrara "Guido who challenged the Red Brigades" of course I never televised ..... what a shame.

- all in all well done a video where he tells his story briefly.

Friday, January 21, 2011

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The law is equal for all

"Defend yourself out of the process, the process is subversive," if it has nothing to fear going to court, as would any citizen of simple and honest.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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A new public television, without fee

the evening I happen to dig on television, there are now dozens of new programs (when you see it). Rai has 13 channels, is likely to have increased revenue for advertising, why not remove the fee at this or lower it significantly?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Colpo Grosso

This morning I found myself at the Santanchè Omnibus, launched in the usual defense on a personal basis. Apart from the nausea caused by the latest news, I wonder how one can complain of aggressive media gossip and news about, say, pink. I ask this because it is the Premier for bringing in television "Colpo Grosso" and I think the editor of a dozen magazines to "Diva2000. I mean who is the cause of his pain, crying himself!

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Chiesina 2010 closes the first round in first place in the standings.

The Chiesina 2010 closes the first round in first place in the standings.
chiesinese The team plays in the league Aics Lucca

- Press release -

Chiesina Uzzanese, Monday, January 17, 2011 - With the matches of the fifteenth day of Saturday, January 15 ended the first round of the little church in 2010, the team closed the round forward leading the standings alone with two points ahead of strong Galleno.

It was with the team Gallena the formation of Mr. Donati has suffered the first defeat of the season Saturday on the field of Bramalegno 8, 1 to 0 to defeat perhaps the result of the long Christmas break.

Galleno the defeat against the team reacted in the best ways, resulting in a tie outside the field of solid team Edil Gabry Lucca. This match took place on Wednesday 12 being the recovery of the game is not played in December.

Saturday, January 15, the association chiesinese, then the first level on points with Galleno, scored an important victory in the home of Pieve San Paolo, the success of 2 to 1 with goals from Vignali and Donati.

The second round will open Saturday, January 22 with the challenge of Nozzano against the formation of Gar Amateurs.

The photo of the team is France sport, reproducible con l'obbligo di citare la fonte.

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Attractions ... Next, people! The PCI in the history of Italy.

Da vedere... Avanti popolo! Il PCI nella storia d'Italia.

Dallo scorso 14 gennaio e fino al 6 febbraio sarà aperta a Roma, Casa dell'Architettura, la mostra dal titolo "Avanti popolo! Il PCI nella storia d'Italia".

Ieri ho avuto la fortuna di poterla visitare e mi sento di consigliare vivamente di andare a vederla!

Lungo tutto il percorso espositivo, a dire la verità lungo più percorsi, si ha modo di osservare documenti di vario genere che percorrono tutta la storia del Partito Comunista Italian, linking it to events in Italy, from 1921 to 1991.

Of all the works, the most interesting are undoubtedly the original copies of the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci, shown for the first time to the public! Really nice also the letters of Togliatti, Berlinguer autographs speeches short, there are many things to see and review!

The idea is good also because it binds, and rightly so, the history of the Communist Party and the Communists of Italy, one of our nation. Many women and many men who have been in politics with a passion unimaginable today, who played a key role in the reconstruction of our country after the dramatic Fascist. Certainly connected with the ideals but without losing the love of democracy and freedom in his country.

The Communists have made the history of Italy! It would be good to remember more often ...

At this link you will find information about the exhibition.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


The artists of the decade .... Eye

artists of the decade ....

Anyone who knows me knows how ill Captain tense (ever since The Simpsons, you calm down) but I wanted to point out that the Italian band was voted and chosen as the best band of the decade!

Ci sarebbe da discutere sul fatto che siamo già nel II decennio del XXI secolo e quindi sono in ritardo di un anno, ma pace...

A questo link trovate tutto sul concorso e sull'esito!

E di seguito l'esultanza di Mangoni e Faso prima della puntata del lunedì di Cordialmente!


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Nuclear, Water and Public legitimate impediment. At the start of the three referendums.

are confirmed almost all the referendum questions posed by the movement for public water and dall'idv. Peter adds no to nuclear power and the battle against such failure. Campaign and therefore difficult to articulate, with the secular goal of a quorum.
We will go to the polls in a date between April 15 and June 15, unless the election.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Why keep the country divided?

Last night I was in high school auditorium Leonardo packed for the debate organized by pd on Brescia massacre of Piazza della Loggia , after the last sentence that has not identified a culprit. Introduced by Gianni Riotta, D'Alema, Veltroni and Castagnetti told of a plan subversive whenever the country was to take major steps were leaving or arriving structural reform strategy of terror. The theorem on which all came together is that the dual loyalty (and the Atlantic Republican) of vast areas of the state apparatus has finished, at certain times in history the Republican to use the right-wing extremism in order to oppose the enlargement of foundations of Italian democracy.

D'Alema complaint also "the abuse that you continue to do" state secrets by the Government: "Today - he says - the main obstacle is the claim to continue to live in a totally artificial, the climate of clash of civilizations , fracture of the country that belongs to the past , and continuing you want to continue to artificially keep the country divided , encouraging silence and impunity of the state apparatus. "

In the divided country on the common interests of a few prevail, democracy itself. The lack of peace in the country and the shameful continuation of a strategy of opposition (party of love / hate left) by a certain right, is the main obstacle to Italy comes out of the quagmire into which it is sinking and our way again.

Monday, January 10, 2011

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friends' friends ...

Occhio agli amici degli amici...

È di questi ultimi giorni la notizia relativa the European Union's decision to deny entry visas in 27 countries of the dictator Lukashenko and accomplices. So far I would say good news for EU diplomacy that sometimes strikes once, shame on (unfortunately) our head of government was the only leader to visit Belarus in full regalia praising the agreement enjoyed by the dictator Local.

The OECD at the last presidential election in Belarus has confirmed that there is still an authoritarian regime, the only one left in Europe, which organized the elections a farce and destroy the opposition.

just a shame that the only European government to support the dictator is our ....

this support is motivated by the economic benefits derived from bilateral agreements signed between Minsk and Rome, too bad they are agreements designed to facilitate the relocation of Italian firms in Belarus .... But this is not the government, Northern League head defends Italian workers? And where are all the right to a three to two because they rant against China, and it seems reasonable, we can not turn a blind eye on violations of human rights to make cash? There are, however, the Communists .... Too bad, for example, in Belarus, the secret service is still called the KGB ...

questo è solo l'ennesimo esempio di quanto l'Italia odierna faccia ridere all'estero, e di quanto conti, nulla. Anche il caso Battisti ci dice quanto sia il peso della nostra diplomazia...

Siamo di nulla..

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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I will be instantaneous. My


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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public water, breaks the most output by the ATO

Last year Sirmionese Council City Council was convened on the theme of water. We return after a few months so that the subject had seen a motion of the minority group to which I belong who asked to include in the Statute: "Water is a public good with no economic significance." The Mayor Mattinzoli had shared the concern over the amendments made by Ronchi Decree, or the privatization of water, but preferred to follow another path. Even then, the vice-mayor Wilde expressed himself in favor of privatization, differing in principle from the rest of the Council that in one way or another, in contrast to the decree.

On 30 December the majority PDL resulted in a decision to exit by the Council of Territorial Area (ATO), created by the Galli Law in 1995 to manage the integrated water system in homogeneous areas, unbeaten in nell'astensione surprise former Sen. League vice-mayor Wilde.

So it seems that binds water and pdl not agree, but especially in the towns and preach good scratch around in the Region evil, promoting laws that accelerate the privatization imposed by the Ronchi Decree. I remember that the European Union white paper leaves to the states, so the fig leaf of the obligation imposed by Brussels is a falsehood.

Now we wait for the referendum because the Supreme Court has validated the signatures, even thousands on Lake Garda, and focus efforts to achieve a quorum.