Friday, January 28, 2011

Best Names And Captions For Health Clinics

TO-100 ... Feast of the Holy Child Jesus

now missing a few numbers to reach our one hundred outlets. Entering the eighth year of life we \u200b\u200bcan be more than satisfied with the work fine now. Many outlets with articles denouncing, voices of protest and the facts of citizens. Sometimes relayed to other flight omitted from those responsible, but all will be there. How can there be that the parts, except for two of the three founders, had our staff, renewed in spirit and soul. New brands, new photos, new opinions, but the same fighting spirit and above all superpartes. We do not know certainly the right or the left, each has his own ideas, but the good of the city, it is logical, therefore, deserves praise as those who criticize it should be. If we praise or criticize is seen as sycophancy like rowing against we can not do anything about it, unfortunately, human intelligence has a limit subjective in all of us, that is to say that every sentence can convey meaning is always different.

GP not to those who want to continue in this work finished free for our city and we will as always with the desire and perseverance that sets us apart forever. We even take care of those who, in passing, vuole screditare il nostro operato infangando la persona e non l’operato; non ci curiamo di chi si serve dell’amicizia politica che restringere il nostro raggio d’azione; non ci curiamo di chi utilizza la legge per abbatterci quando la legge l’ha sempre evitata.

Non ci interessa! Militum Tellus è questo, sano, forte e genuino di proprietà dei militellesi.

La redazione


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