Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Weekend Clubs In Atlanta Under 21

The woman is the most wonderful thing that exists ...

The woman is the most wonderful thing that exists ...

Today is March 8 ... Everyone remembers the women, the casino, many parties, many mimosa ... Let me pay tribute to the many women, girls, friends, comrades, that I know or do not know, a little known piece of Piero Ciampi ... That unfortunately left us too soon.

The song is "But you're funny ".... Culminating ...." love is her husband's life "..


Monday, March 7, 2011

What Song Is On Ross Kemp On Gangs In Jamaca

Sirmione happy island?

E 'in the distribution in Sirmione "letter from the mayor," newspaper no place where the majority of the representatives who voted FSD 1911 Sirmione, the Civic Party to which I belong. In the articles inside, so I assume unsigned written by Mattinzoli, this month is an article entitled "Sirmione happy island."

be made for comparing the rates with those of the town of Desenzano, Sirmione, noting a significant cost difference in favor of a savings for us peninsular. We assume a confrontation with the town of Desenzano "reality probably comparable." I do not think it is , to the extent of territory that must cover and the number of girls and boys to be met, if only for a more complete offer.

course socili services are increasingly a cost to the municipalities, should also be remembered that the dark Tremonti pesatomolto more on banks than on our Desenzano. In short, we need a more complete picture, not just make a simple relationship between the figures, in comparison tma collection of "Door to door", for example, be immediately trashed by our mayor!

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Make Someones School Life Miserable

reached 10 million signatures

not may call into question the reality of the many people who are involved in collecting signatures, "Berlusconi resign" ( thank all Garda che lo hanno fatto ). Devo testimoniare anche io, come ha detto ieri sera Bersani ad Annozero, che una cosa così non l'ho mai vista. I più a cui chiedevo di firmare, mi prendevano tutto il modulo per farlo firmare anche ad amici, vicini e parenti.

Più di 400 firme a Sirmione, oltre 600 a Desenzano e superate le 700 a Salò . Firme vere raccolte al banchetto, non sul sito. Questo è il fulcro della campagna denigratoria de il giornale e di libero: si sono divertiti ad inserire nomi fasulli sul sito del pd nazionale e poi hanno riportato la notizia di una raccolta patacca.

Se c'è tanta smania di infagare la petizione "Berlusconi dimettiti" significa che abbiamo raggiunto il result! Nevertheless, I think it is highly disrespectful to the millions of Italian citizens who have signed, you tell me if this is journalism ...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Drink Before You Go To Work

Castel Mella is now WI-FI

E 'keen to the United Civic Party Castelmella proposing and responding to specific areas Wi-Fi access free of charge, upon registration in the municipality of Castel Mella.
Preference will be areas of greater vitality, access points, hot spots such as Park John Paul II and the Piazza del Comune. Will be provided initially on an experimental two hours a day access.
We believe that in 2011 with the introduction on 1 January of the new regulations also residentid Castel Mella should be offered an important opportunity for communication with the times.
With personal computers and leaflets explanations will be offered a demonstration of some of the opportunities offered by Wi-Fi connectivity: Reading newspapers (Giornale di Brescia / Bresciaoggi), also on-line consultation e-mail, view videos, news and information content, use of foursquare, twitter, facebook, skype, and more.
We believe it may be an additional tool for transparency, primarily administrative activities, socialization and communication and information for residents.

Will Steam Cleaners Hurt Laminate Floors

The King of billboards

also put up a poster for public space begins to be a problem . Today I happen to pass away in San Martino in Sirmione and notice that a bridge of four seats is being cleaned (left cycle is at rest and scratch the posters present). Small detail: the four posts present only three have been scratched for the cleaning, the fourth is still posted a nice poster for the league .

Certainly it has happened more volte di avere a che dire con l'attacchino che con troppa disinvoltura posizionava i manifesti del pd sul retro delle plance, vista campo per intenderci, secondo l'ICA (copperativa affidataria del servizio) è tutto lecito, per loro è indifferente il fornte/retro.

Peccato che il costo di affissione non vari, se poi ci aggiungiamo questi ultimi episodi, l'irritazione aumenta di molto!

Example Of A Monthly Counseling

Minister of Darkness

"C'era una volta un Paese che si svegliò da un lungo sonno, aprendo gli occhi scoprì che il sole era alto nel cielo. Così cominciò a vestire i tetti delle proprie case con dei panni magici che trasformavano il sole in energia elettrica.

Un giorno però arrivò un cattivo stregone who decided to obscure the sun, dragging it the beautiful country in the long sleep from which he had aroused. "

IRESC not explain it if you do not think it's a fairytale! How can a Minister of" economic development " kill one of very few fast-growing sector in our country ? What will the hundreds of companies and workers in alternative energy? will all be made in nuclear power plants?

Monday, February 28, 2011

What's The Best Tool Scanner For Cadillac Cts

milleproroghe: CUT FUNDS FOR CANCER

The decree contains a number of extensions to one thousand shameful surprises. umpteenth confirmation comes from the cutting of the law of 13 December 2010 in patients of serious diseases like cancer, now hijacked by the government to remedy the situation of farmers in arrears in the payment of fines on milk quotas. To this rule
Italians must thank the League has decided to protect some farmers even at the cost-evaders to cut the resources for serious disease of cancer. It 'good that the people who voted for the League open their eyes and know what choices are capable of the party that represents them. Among the evaders and the sick, the League has chosen. They protect the former, cancer patients fend for themselves.
It 's a vile coup that certainly it was hoped to pass unnoticed. This decision will jeopardize the right to the care of many terminally ill in a country where the quality of treatment and care is already highly uneven, marked in fact more difficult by severe inefficiencies and lack of resources.
If we add to the standard that requires the filing of women who use assisted reproduction - a violation of privacy that has no justification - here we see clearly how this government has at heart the fundamental rights of Italians .

by http://www.ignaziomarino.it

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spanish Condolence Messages


The Civic Party
UNITED CASTEL MELLA was founded with the aim of improving the lives of every person residing in the town of Castel Mella. It is not representing any political force, but brings together people from different backgrounds, sometimes with different values \u200b\u200band ideas, but because of this open dialogue and find common ground on which to build a program for the good of the whole community. Unlike the majority of the
LIST FOR UNITED CASTEL MELLA party has no interests to defend, nor to please clientele in the management of public affairs.
Our goals are others in this town, changed profoundly in recent years by a sharp increase in population, we want to help build di un tessuto sociale che si riconosca in alcuni valori condivisi e getti le basi per una sana e proficua amministrazione del paese.
Prima di elencare le nostre proposte concrete riteniamo importante dichiarare i valori che ci ispirano e ci distinguono nettamente dai comportamenti e dalle ideologie dell'attuale maggioranza.
• La nostra lista Civica mette al primo posto il bene pubblico impegnandosi a governare in modo trasparente e con il coinvolgimento degli abitanti.
• Riteniamo che tutte le persone che abitano nel nostro comune debbano essere trattate con pari dignità e considerazione indipendentemente da provenienza e condizione.
• Il bene comune non è solo onestà e trasparenza ma anche attenzione e sostegno alle vulnerable population groups., family and youth.
• Last but not least, consider the environment an asset that has value only as an end in itself but is linked to the health of all inhabitants of Castel Mella. Points

1 - Participation and transparency.
• Maximum transparency of Directors through the instruments of participation under the Statute and never activated.
• All recruitment assignments and assignments will be done indiscriminately or by competitive tendering.
• Reduction in the number of assessors 3 and abolition of Castel Mella Services.

2 - Urban development and mobility.
• Secure housing and industrial expansion by encouraging the recovery and restoration of existing buildings.
• Improve and enhance public transport in the area.
• Attention to urban, maintenance of green areas, road safety, cycle paths.
• Recruitment of two policemen and recovery agreements with neighboring communities to improve safety and control of the municipal area.

3 - Infrastructure and Mobility
• New bridge on Via Mella at Don Bergomi with graft in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bBrescia, according to the forecast plan coordinator for the province.
• Maximum operating pressure to see an end to the intolerable situation where much of the country's sewage ends up in ditches and watercourses and the authorities finalize the design of the purifier.
• Servicing and maintenance of all municipal assets: real estate schools, urban public parks.
• As an alternative to high school construction project of a residential aged care with the aim of arriving at delivering health services and welfare.

4 - Environment
• Introduction of a collection system achieve high rates of waste recycling, resulting in lower service costs, and hence the prices paid by citizens.
• Monitoring of environmental status of the common air, water, and soil.
• Promotion of renewable energy sources and energy conservation, especially in the energy choices that relate to municipal facilities.
• Training and awareness on environmental issues with particular attention to students.
• Implementation of the Mella river park with fountains and bike paths and picnic areas.

5 - Individuals and families
• Establishment of a fund Municipal support for families and workers in need to be financed with the Auto Reduction charge compensation of the members of the junta. •
tariff concessions for large families
• Involvement of schools on educational topics such as nutrition, drugs, alcohol, smoking.
• Transfer to the town center of basic services of central authority and withdrawals.
• Create a youth center.

6 - Culture and sport
• Support for associations of social, cultural and sports activities.
• Confirmation of the priorities for the implementation of a rugby field.
• Predisposizione da parte del Comune di un programma di manifestazioni culturali con cadenza annuale.

Funny Wedding Rsvp Wording


Marco Franzini

Nato a Brescia nel 1959 qui ha vissuto e ha conseguito il diploma di maturità classica.
Dopo il servizio militare ha iniziato a lavorare nel campo dell'informatica, dapprima a Milano per cinque anni e infine a Brescia dove attualmente svolge la mansione di specialista informatico in un centro servizi bancario.
Abita a Castel Mella dal 1993 con la moglie e i cinque figli adottivi.
Partecipa alla vita parrocchiale del paese come catechista degli adulti e animatore dei centri di ascolto.
Fin da giovane appassionato d'arte e in particolare di pittura, continua tuttora questa attività con buoni risultati.
Amante della natura specialmente della montagna che frequenta dedicandosi all'alpinismo e alle escursioni.

How To Make New Business Project Report

What of the night?

« Sentinella, quanto resta della notte? Sentinella, quanto resta della notte?». La sentinella risponde: «Viene il mattino, poi anche la notte; se volete domandare, domandate, convertitevi, venite!» ( Isaia 21,11-12 ). Questo breve e toccante oracolo del profeta Isaia, nell’evidenziare le difficoltà che evoca la notte, ci pone davanti l’enigma di non riuscire a calcolare quando giungerà l’alba. Quando durerà ancora questa notte dell’etica, della le legalità, delle false promesse, dell’arroganza, dell’indifferenza? Purtroppo nelle tenebre di questa notte è immersa anche la nostra città…

C’era stato tanto entusiasmo e gioia (qualcuno aveva le lacrime agli occhi!) il 16 giugno del 2008, quando “i credibili davvero” avevano vinto le elezioni. Molti cittadini avevamo risposto in loro grandi speranze per rilanciare e far “risorgere” questa città. E all’inizio sembrava vero: le luci alla villa, l’acqua che non va più via, la raccolta differenziata, socio-cultural initiatives, ... ..

Then, as often happens, those who administer the city does not want to listen to the hearts of his people and gets groped by "dark side" of the power search for personal and / or partisan, personal success , friendships, compromise (the ombudsman, auditor, employee ex-LSU), forgetting the true vocation of politics: be of service to all citizens , especially the weakest, with measures concerning employment , education, solidarity.

In the rich program submitted May 31, 2008 (review it carefully!) presented some strategies to revive the fortunes of the city. You said:

  • "Sharing all the administrative life of the city" : do not listen to anyone, even those who have voted , quarrels among you (commissioners / directors / board members of the party), use words and arrogant gestures without looking at anyone in the face.
  • Actions in support of local sports associations " : cutting 80% of contributions due, the established law to Tremonti. E il denaro che viene “speso”in sagre e carnevalate varie, consulenze (forse non abbiamo impiegati comunali competenti?), missioni, stipendi, telefonini, cabina elettrica di Via Lello, non potrebbe risultare utile per i bambini e i giovani che fanno attività sportive?
  • “Promuovere un accordo di programma tra amministrazione comunale e Istituzione Scolastica per lo sviluppo di attività di reciproca collaborazione con obiettivi condivisi” : su questa tema avete toccato il fondo. Con l’istituzione Scolastica non avete fatto altro che litigare e dividervi su ogni problematica. Da ultimo l’infiltrazione e l’allagamento the entry of R. Viale Margaret, perhaps due to lack of maintenance and cleaning gutters. And before the closure of the complex of the Castle Hall. No one questioned the " your good faith" the closing was done to safeguard the lives of children, boys and school staff. But what did you do next? What is he doing now? In fact what you did before closing? not be transformed into "victims" in any public meeting or private discussion, but try to be able to meet the needs of children and young people (present and future of this city ) parents, school staff as soon as possible. The issue has been addressed with lightness and superficiality, characteristics that do not belong to political "long course" . Or maybe you have to think that there is something else?

If in June three years ago, people cried with joy, to tears of sadness and disappointment only because - I can no longer remain silent - are equal to the administrators who have gone before. You are really credible? Is it not the credibility in having faith and trust in someone ? Is not your political action being reliable and plausible?

And finally, all you who are or have been sitting in your chair on national parliament and / or European level, consider what you did and do well for your city. And you administrators, "holders of power," and you councilors, "watchdogs of political action," considered if it is permissible to deprive the children of the study early, and if it is right to amass as many children in one building, if is right to deprive the "game" of sport and 250 boys; considered if you did everything and what was in your power to prevent this, and although it is not considered appropriate to make some step back and review if you're still able to fulfill the responsibilities of "serve" this city.

sentinel How long? How much more we resist? When patience? As for waiting?

The prophet Isaiah tells us the path. Do not resign, resist, Be careful and vigilant and, above all, be converted. We should not seek external remedies in the night more or less easy, but you have to turn inward, admit mistakes, and through an exchange, dialogue, effort to understand others and seek together to refute the heart of our city to review as the dawn light that illuminates, overcomes the darkness and brings hope ..

Alberto Asti

Powerpoint The Evolution Of Business



In some ways it was predictable that the first would be to pay for the public, but not to this extent. Cuts wicked parties and clubs and organizations are a museum cleaver too cruel for the city. These costs are defined ephemeral, are those that make the greatest economic return to Militello in various fields of course.

Between the pages of the web but we have noticed that a decree signed by Minister Tremonti (78/2010) quote verbatim: "local authorities (....) Will have to cut costs in this order of priorities: spending 80% in 2009 for consultants and external mandates, (....) reduce to 20% expenditure on sports and folcoristico. About 20% to be allocated to recreational activities the Mayor had informed us and we wonder how much the total cost of our Common way to calculate this 20%, while doubts remain about the cuts to consultants. Lipari and Germany are proof of how this administration privilege lavish advice to the interests of almost all of the citizens.

And then you must also take the sneer of some alderman: "If you are unable to survive without assistance because they do not close communal hut."

is only a matter of time ....

Sebastiano Caruso

meeting in City Hall

was held on 10 February, a meeting sponsored by the City and paid to sports clubs, cultural associations committees and religious festivals.

councilor Ragusa After the preamble, the word is passed to the Financial alderman Joseph Cusumano explained that the cuts in the budget, and concluded this first part of the Mayor inviting all to the good sense and sacrifice was necessary since lean that ordinary living.

Later they took the word of Representatives committees and clubs that have stressed the importance of their work in the city, albeit in different areas. The social value of sports clubs, in addition to industries that generate economic, beyond those that are financing gaps. To say nothing of religious holidays, be driven by militellese summer.

addition to the company and the committees were given the word of the museum represents St. Nicholas, a very important institution in the city that faces a significant downsizing of activities and projects to be holding back because of what is at the heart of tourist town.

Daniel Guzzone

Cookworks 1129 Manual

The eight session in February will go down in history as one of the busiest and the most fiery. Maybe because it followed a rally of students and parents, perhaps because the issue is one of the most heard by nationality The fact is that it was difficult to understand and feel what the directors wanted to say and express. We've got it made with great effort and I apologize from now if a few sentences, more or less important, may have been omitted.

The first point concerns the problem of middle school. The leader of the opposition, as well as Mario shrimp PD, invite the Administration to wide-ranging commitment to the ultimate resolution of the problem, as it is early but come February 3rd school ready just not talked about. Meanwhile, say the two members in their interventions, the performance of boys is gradually decreased and stressing the fact that Our young people have a social life. What is more complex in Viale Regina Margherita continues to rain inside, that this issue is in addition to many others.

Directors The Board of Partenope, "formal and formal enough, we need concrete answers and knowing how things really are."

For parents took Salvina Cirnigliaro word that brings out the work as the "Bisicchia" have started only a few days since September, while our children are paying the consequences. Announced that a letter from the Civil Protection said the good static building of Via Tanneries and defines as "hysterical" the choice of the mayor to close the school. "It will be unusable because there are no escape routes, but why at that site organizes the festival?" Thundered the parents' representative.

defend the choice of closure, however, the director of public works and Alderman Ferranti Mario Barresi, "that building is statically intact but vulnerable to the earthquake, so it was appropriate to declassify" strategic building "a mere municipal building, why will be allocated at that meeting the municipal offices. This is just the beginning of a project to control all the buildings owned City. "

Joseph Fucile, MPA, passing attack, "it makes no sense to close the school and used as a municipal building, it makes no sense because it puts in danger, if the structure is unfit for use, the lives of others. Then also verify the static plexus of the avenue. " Replies the Councillor for Education, Nicole Messina, "we were wrong timing, but we are working to resolve the problem quickly." Concludes that point the Mayor said: "We have found a disaster with regard to municipal buildings, and we immediately put to work for due diligence. We are working quickly to resolve the problem school media and are working all the economic resources to do so, empty classrooms in the occupied complex in Via Vittorio Emanuele Orlando and we will complete as soon as possible "Bisicchia". "

At the end point of the room was emptied as a protest, the people, it has seemed exasperated.

It has gone so the second point, childcare issues. Some parents have sent a letter to the Mayor where we ask for the reopening of the nursery, still closed due to water infiltration despite having been recently restored. The Head of Technical Services, Architect Michael Dell'Uomini, illustrated works which are necessary for re-opening: it is mostly minor repairs and connection of electricity. Councillor Joseph Rifle calls the Administration to "deliver the nursery soon, if anything, it was actually completed and returned to the city." At the conclusion of the debate was a clear commitment made by Prime Minister Lisciandro 'by Easter to be given asylum. "

Sebastiano Caruso

Daniel Guzzone

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Walkie Talkie In Mountains

from friends of a person you understand many things ... Much more than that of Berlusconi. Here we are again in rich

from friends of a person you understand many things ... Much more than that of Berlusconi.

March 27, 2010 .... Not centuries ago ...

and most recently ...

Here was December 23, 2010 .... All his friends, good people.

And remember that the government led by his friend of Gaddafi has promoted and signed an agreement committing Italy to Libya to transfer 5 BILLION U.S. $ 5 BILLION dollars ....!!! A serious investment in the future ...!

Monday, February 21, 2011

How Can I Watch Bangbros

Last thud

Berlusconi tries to throw cold water on Libya, the last shabby slip of this Government.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bangs Round Face Chinese

2011: Year of the renovation ...

Abbiamo deciso di cambiare il nostro simbolo per dare un segnale di rinnovamento ai nostri concittadini, sarà il simbolo che utilizzeremo nelle imminenti elezioni amministrative (probabilmente a maggio).
Il simbolo è l'inizio del cambiamento, non a caso abbiamo ripreso i colori della bandiera italiana nell'anno delle celebrazioni dei 150 dell'unità d'Italia, perchè vogliamo essere aperti al contributi di tutti i cittadini, ascoltare la loro voce indipendentemente dalla loro "etnia" di appartenenza (ricordiamo che il vigente statuto comunale all'art.1 comma 6 recita testualmente: " Nei rapporti con soggetti residenti sul territorio appartenenti ad altre etnie la linea di condotta si ispira, in generale, al principio di reciprocità sia rispetto a normative che a consuetudini vigenti. ").

Per noi i cittadini sono tutti uguali e i "soggetti residenti" preferiamo considerarli uomini e donne di pari dignità, come sancito dalla Costituzione, nel rispetto dei diritti e doveri a cui ogni cittadino deve ottemperare.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How Can I Watch Free Bangbros

indifferent and accomplices

On the one hand two great Luke and Paul, who hate to read the indifferent, the other Lele Mora hopes that the return of Fascists. If I had my tear the paper of itantità Lele Mora, after what has been said Annozero, does not seem worthy of an Italian citizen.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Names Of German Appetizers

number plate in Castel Mella

Abbiamo appreso con soddisfazione that, contrary to

on past experience the City of Castel Mella has joined the
measure "number plate"
adopted by the City at the request of the Province of Brescia.

It is true repentance or only opportunity
await urgent check-test on the intention of taking a real
environmental policy and in particular:

- alt mandatory consumption of land, even to the
needs justify "public"
- solving the traffic problem through the
construction of a new link road
with the city to avoid the long queues -peak generating
piles of fine dust, in addition to the daily loss of time

- significant increase in the collection.
today occupy the 131 seats in the provincial ranking and
our rate drops dramatically compared to a 2% increase in the average of the province

- investments in energy savings in municipal buildings and increased use

alternative energy sources - investments to upgrade lighting
public with the use of modern technologies that increase
plant efficiency by lowering power consumption considerably

- strengthening the public transport service
- air quality monitoring.

These and other virtuous actions are urgent and essential
if you just want to start fighting
pollution seriously and not just propaganda.
fact we all know that measures like the "alternate
plates" and the like are useful in dealing with emergencies, but do not act
certainly at the root of the problem.

John Caramagno

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Type Of Wood For Garden Gate

Desenzano resists, an initiative of 13 February

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tokyo Disneyland Face Characters


Here we are again in rich ..

So, I very very very good for cycling, and I am sorry to write these lines, and I am sorry to say "I told you so" but oh, I told ....

What has been released today on Riccardo Ricco, was hospitalized Sunday morning after he presented to hospital with high fever and renal failure and then confess that he had a blood transfusion, as he reveals unable to escape the vortex of doping.

This not only harms your health, it hurts damn much all the wonderful sport that is cycling! But how can I say, to take back to racing as a Riccò who had fallen over and over again in the mesh dell'antidoping! Make sure to read this article Eugene Capodacqua of the Republic in July 2008 about ...

In this whole affair are the many responsibilities Federciclismo! Allowing people who have been plurisqualificato to continue racing is an example of wickedness and love of sport is not acceptable!

Everybody, everybody, they knew how (unfortunately for him) Riccò was inside around the doping ... Everyone did a blind eye, hoping perhaps that had changed, perhaps because his name "pulled" it was still difficult to keep him out of the loop ...

But now it should remain there! I hope it heals and gets better soon! But then RADIATION! And please, try to learn the lesson, for the love of cycling!

Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Build A Bmx Bike

Mattinzoli The direction of the differentiated

Mattinzoli The Mayor has clear sulla differenziata, ecco quanto dichiarato nel Consiglio Comunale del 20 Dicembre 2010:

" Il discorso della raccolta per noi va potenziato eventualmente con ulteriori campane che in qualche modo, contenitori di quel tipo che in qualche modo possano tener conto in futuro di altre tipologie di materiale ma riteniamo che un paese una città come la nostra di seconde case addirittura non voglio dire una inesattezza ma penso che Peschiera stessa stia ritornando non più alla porta a porta per i motivi che ho sempre spiegato che in un paese dove ci sono un numero elevato di seconde case organizzare la settimana di raccolta differenziata a chi di fatto vive il nostro paese a secondo di come si organizza le vacanze, la vita, i Week-end, è veramente difficile e se in certe situazioni è la raccolta ideale da noi risulterebbe una possibile fonte di creazione di piccole micro discariche, abbiamo visto sulla tangenziale a Peschiera succedeva questo, però comunque noi riteniamo che sia un esperimento che ha portato dei frutti buoni e dunque intendiamo proporlo su tutto il territorio. "

Qualche mia considerazione...

Peschiera non sta tornando indietro sulla raccolta "porta a porta", anzi sta spingendo sempre più , le uniche resistenze vengono dal centro storico e non dalle seconde case. In un volantino prodotto dalla nostra civica venivano presentati altri esempi di città Tourist who do door to door, "the only system that really works, here is the political will is lacking.

The "good fruit" of recycling experiment with the bells would like to know, given that the Mayor has responded to specific questions: " Thee we have no data to explain in this way now because in fact it is a new service ". In 2012 who will not reach 65% of waste will be fined by the European Union (Sirmione was 36% last year), if we do not reach this level, who will pay?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Salary Of Pediatric Oncologists In Ar

Commemoration of Franco Ballerini to a year after the death

Commemoration of Franco Ballerini to a year after the death

to write it does not seem real yet, but a year ago, Franco Ballerini has left us suddenly.

I am certainly not one of his closest friends, I was lucky di conoscerlo negli ultimi due anni da Dilettante con gli amici della Finauto di San Baronto, ma per quello strano e forte legame che si crea all'interno di tutti quanti vivono e crescono nel mondo del ciclismo, era come se lo conoscessi da una vita.... Ed ancora oggi a volte non mi sembra vera che non sia più in ammiraglia o in bici sulle sue strade....

Il comune si Serravalle Pistoiese, con la collaborazione della Gazzetta dello Sport e della Federciclismo ha promossa per lunedì 7 febbraio 2011 una giornata per ricordare Franco e le sue imprese.

A questo link trovate il programma completo, che prevederà eventi dalla mattina nelle scuole fino al tardo pomeriggio, where Alfredo Martini, Paolo Bettini and many others, will remember with many sporting the beloved Franco.

Here you can also download the invitation with the day's events.
hello Franco

Friday, February 4, 2011

Whalen Mont Tremblant Executive


MR. Councillor for Environment
Subject: Question

the undersigned City Council, asking to know if the council is aware of the publication of the provincial observatory waste bearing the official data on 2009 garbage collection of all municipalities in the province.

The collection in Castel Mella amounted in 2009 to 33.68% against 38.73% in 2008 and our common rose from 90 ° to 131 ° instead of the provincial ranking.

In June 2009, given the inadequacy waste policy adopted by the council, the undersigned proposed to the City Council to perform a technical study on the actions to be taken to give a strong impetus to the collection.
The proposal was rejected by a majority.

the light and highly negative in 2009, I hereby request to know the reasons which have determined them and what the council intends to take very urgent steps to halt and reverse the trend that places Castel Mella between the municipalities less susceptible to environmental issues.
I ask that this question is included on the agenda of the next city council.

Castel Mella 31/gennaio/2011
John Caramagno

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Who Is The Old Lady In Cartoons

Cold shower for the Garda, a new tax on tourism license plate

The tax holiday proposed by the Berlusconi government, does not like to hoteliers through which Confesercenti took place. "If this is federalism, starting with the decidedly wrong foot" . Marco Polettini, hotelier and chairman of Desenzano Provincial Asshotel, the association of member companies in Brescia accommodation Confesercenti, comments adversely new tax introduced by the municipal federalism weblog Northern League.

For the Democratic Party need to loosen the tax burden, reduce labor costs while continuing the road taken by Prodi with the tax wedge, contributions and initiatives for sustainable tourism, a synergy between all the communities to promote riviersasche Lake Garda in foreign markets as one big cultrale proposal of great value and landscape. Instead

pdl / alloy think to reintroduce the tax, abolished several years ago and considered harmful by all those involved in hospitality as a profession, to meet the budgetary needs of Commons, without returning any benefit to tourism concrete.

A true federalism is necessary and possible, that proposed by the league is a mess contreta proposal written in black and white by the Assembly of the Democratic Party Berlusconi and smile that speaks of the opposition as the party of tax, as it is the first to rise. The alternative is for true federalism, is a , basta solo metterci alla prova!

il coord.pdgarda Andrea Volpi

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Remove Ikea Mirrios Form Wall

In view of the election administration, Wednesday February 9 at at 21:00 board room of the municipality of Castel Mella, there will be a meeting of the United Civic LIST FOR CASTEL MELLA with the following agenda:

1) Proposals for nominations for Mayor.

2) For nominations for City Council.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brother Paperport 9.0

Frankenstein Junior is back to the movies!

Frankenstein Junior is back to the movies!

This week Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks's masterpiece of 1974 was in the cinema!

the next 2 and 3 February will be possible to revise the digital film, one of the best comedies ever made (IMHO) in molte sale cinematografiche di tutta Italia, a questo link trovate l'elenco.

Che dire.... Buona visione!!

Green Green Futaba Uncensored

Northern League Youth unemployment at 29%

I dati Istat parlano chiaro: mai così tanti disoccupati dal 2004 ad oggi. Fassina: “Colpa grave di un governo concentrato da mesi sulle ragazzine a casa Berlusconi e di un ministro del Lavoro impegnato a tempo pieno a dividere i sindacati e a colpire i diritti dei lavoratori

Great Community Service Letter Sample

know in common - February 6, 2011 in Pistoia. How

Sapere in comune - 6 febbraio 2011 a Pistoia.

Il Comitato Forteguerri organizzato , un comitato spontaneo creato dagli studenti Liceo Classico N. Forteguerri e Liceo Pedagogico A.Vannucci di Pistoia, promuove un ciclo di incontri sul tema del sapere e su altre tematiche di attualità.

La prossima iniziativa sarà domenica 6 febbraio, nel centro di Pistoia, in piazza Gavinana (piazza del Globo), con inizio alle 15:45 e fine alle 19:30.

The detailed schedule is shown below.

clicking on the picture opens up the whole picture

And found this link on the event fb.

A good children's Forteguerri!

Mission Statement Examples For Ambulance Service

Italy currently has overseas ....

As Italy currently has overseas ....

One of the strengths of those who defend "our" Prime Minister, Berlusconi is Italy that would recover a key role in the international arena.


Questo è uno sketch andato in onda sul popolare programma inglese "Harry & Paul" trasmesso dal canale 2 della BBC quindi non proprio un canale di secondo piano.

Buona visione.

Come vedete la figura che fa l'Italia è senza dubbio molto lusinghiera.....

Monday, January 31, 2011

Should I Stay Off Work With Tonsillitis

Meeting 1/2/10 Public Meeting

To gather ideas, proposals and availability, the list "United Castelmella" held two preparatory meetings in the drafting of the program: one on issues related to personal services (education and social policies, culture and sports) and the other on the issues land (environment, urban planning and public works). The first was held in December, now the second. TUESDAY, February 1 H

20:30, Council Chamber at the Town Hall

(Environment, Town Planning, Public Services)

Participants: Erik

Boniotti - Urban Councillor Passirano
Michele Gussago - Mayor of Gardone Valtrompia
Michele Orlando - Mayor of Roncadelle

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rosary Beeds And Gang Activity

Quick thoughts on the municipal budget of Chiesina Uzzanese.

Veloci considerazioni sul bilancio comunale di Chiesina Uzzanese.

Solitamente non mi piace molto scrivere sulla base di fonti indirette, però volendo scrivere qualcosa sul bilancio 2011 approvato dall'Amministrazione comunale di Chiesina non poteva che fare così...
Onestamente, colpa mia, non ho avuto modo di partecipare al Consiglio comunale in cui è stato approvato il bilancio, bilancio che è disponibile a questo link , appena letto con attenzione sono pronto a rivedere quanto scrivo ora.
Però ero fiducioso che, data l'importanza che la nostra giunta ripone nella comunicazione, il finalmente nuovo e bello giornalino comunale avrebbe illustrato nel dettaglio il bilancio comunale, peccato che non sia andata proprio così..... Si vede che non c'erano esponenti regionali che lo potessero spiegare...

Così mi rifaccio su quanto uscito sulla stampa.

Allora, il sindaco Borgioli si pregia del fatto che la sua amministrazione non ha effettuato tagli, andrebbe però aggiunto che i comuni sotto i 5.000 abitanti non sono rientrati, per ora, nella scure di Tremonti che, nella sola provincia di Pistoia, priverà gli enti locali di 7,6 milioni di euro...!
Quindi era certo più semplice per i chiesinesi non dover tagliare...

Si apprezza la celerità del procedimento che ha permesso di approvare entro dicembre il bilancio, nessuna novità visto che già nella precedente amministrazione andava always so ...

But they are two points I wish to emphasize:

- The amount of infrastructure costs that are expected to cash is exaggerated, especially when considered over the next three years. This seems to me to have it clear even our administrators, in fact the planned new investments are few, perhaps because it is known that the projected figures are unrealistic. It seems to me that intervention of the newspapers Borgioli is a confirmation of what I say, it is assumed that the decrease in the current economic burden will result in a reduction of investments .... clearer than that!

- The decision to increase the TARSU , the fee for waste disposal, in greater proportion than the family business seems to me an error and a lack of respect for the many families in severe financial difficulties. How Borgioli says is true, the economic situation negatively affected traders, but because families no? Are perhaps less affected many employees who are struggling to make ends meet ...?

As I said, before anyone treat me badly, just give me time to read the entire budget for good and if I said the inaccuracies were the first to admit the error.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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TO-100 ... Feast of the Holy Child Jesus

now missing a few numbers to reach our one hundred outlets. Entering the eighth year of life we \u200b\u200bcan be more than satisfied with the work fine now. Many outlets with articles denouncing, voices of protest and the facts of citizens. Sometimes relayed to other flight omitted from those responsible, but all will be there. How can there be that the parts, except for two of the three founders, had our staff, renewed in spirit and soul. New brands, new photos, new opinions, but the same fighting spirit and above all superpartes. We do not know certainly the right or the left, each has his own ideas, but the good of the city, it is logical, therefore, deserves praise as those who criticize it should be. If we praise or criticize is seen as sycophancy like rowing against we can not do anything about it, unfortunately, human intelligence has a limit subjective in all of us, that is to say that every sentence can convey meaning is always different.

GP not to those who want to continue in this work finished free for our city and we will as always with the desire and perseverance that sets us apart forever. We even take care of those who, in passing, vuole screditare il nostro operato infangando la persona e non l’operato; non ci curiamo di chi si serve dell’amicizia politica che restringere il nostro raggio d’azione; non ci curiamo di chi utilizza la legge per abbatterci quando la legge l’ha sempre evitata.

Non ci interessa! Militum Tellus è questo, sano, forte e genuino di proprietà dei militellesi.

La redazione

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Hospital 8 February at the start, but loses pieces

Mentre sui giornali regionali i politici dell’area calatina fanno a gara per chi debba attribuirsi la paternità del nuovo plesso ospedaliero, l’Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale emana i primi decreti di chiusura di reparti. Infatti dal 17 gennaio il reparto di ortopedia sarà definitivamente chiuso diventando solo un ambulatorio e sala gessi. La decisione va a favorire senz’altro il “Gravina” di Caltagirone che grazie anche alla battaglia intestatasi dal proprio Sindaco assorbe l’importante reparto a danno del “Basso Ragusa” di Militello. Una decisione che nessuno sta contestando, né i politici locali né il Sindaco, forse perché al nostro nosocomio sono stati assegnati due surgeries, ophthalmology and otolaryngology, that someone wants to pass as the user departments to shut up.

seems especially strange silence of the administration, mayors and others have gone well in front of hospitals to bind our politicians quietly accept any decision, so now we Militello ENT. Meanwhile

seems imminent opening of the new complex of Viale Regina Margherita, which is already too large for the reduced services of our hospital. It is only the prelude to a total absorption is too soon to tell, but that within two years have already gone two departments is a matter of fact.

Sebastiano Caruso

Army Cakes For Going Away

Day January 6, on the occasion of the Epiphany, was held in the Parish of San Nicola - Holy Saviour the traditional festivities of the Baby Jesus

Before the celebration of Holy Mass, the procession took place "Epiphany of love" with departure from the Church of St. Agatha to the array of St. Nicholas Parish - Holy Savior.

the fact statue of the Baby Jesus, after the celebration of Mass and the evening's draw for the Epiphany Parish in the matrix, was carried in procession through the main streets of city \u200b\u200bto the abode of the family that has taken him throughout the week. This year, the Child received the warmth of the family of Mr. Licciardino Via Paul Abraham, where he was accompanied with songs and prayers, hundreds of faithful in a long procession.

Mario Sibilla Guzzone

Where Do Platypus Live

"A righteous man"

He's gone quiet on a cold day beginning of winter. The silence that was his style and because of its shape became more seal. Not because he had not words to say, the gentleman is not the Friulano wasted or used a few, all significant and full of flavor, and often was preceded by the facts. Who does not remember that news blackout of his players on the sports dailies announced 26 June '82 because of the criticisms and insults received before and during the World Cup? The "vecio" was the architect of Italy's most beautiful football history (Argentina '78). E 'in the torrid summer of 1982 he led his boys and a whole country to lift the World Cup. He leaves a those few people who managed to unite the Italians. And of the many words that have been written and said during his memorial I want to remind those of the captain Dino Zoff, the sole spokesman of that triumphant news blackout: "It 'was a good man." " The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice" (Psalm 36.30). " The lips of the righteous nourish many" ( Proverbs 10:21). Today in football so we need men like Enzo Bearzot.

closed his career at the World Cup in Mexico '86 and coached more. In a world where football coaches were beginning to become experts not only of tactics but of controversy, to scream, a screenwriter, and especially of idolatry of his image on TV, in print and on the bank account, Enzo Bearzot stands out like a coach out of time. It is precisely because of this timelessness that he remains not only the largest of its time but this time, the time of "football without a soul" . Giorgio Tosatti wrote in Corriere dello Sport after the victory World: "Lift up that cup, Dino and take it to the caresses Bearzot ... because it is his! ... Have you got a gift in a country priceless: faith in himself ". With these simple words in an interview with Guerin Sportivo sang the victory of his boys: "It 's a world title that no one can dispute: we won four games against schools below several football , Latin America and Europe, and no one can say that there was something nice, we won a world championship in more cleanly as perhaps had never happened ". With humble and wise leader.

Alberto Asti

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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says there is a problem close to us, and we should address it.

Dice ci sia qualche problema vicino a noi, e dovremmo occuparcene.

Negli ultimi giorni, mentre in Italia siamo dietro alle tristi vicende del, purtroppo, nostro capo del governo, in tanti paesi vicini al nostro si sta sviluppando una inaspettata escalation di proteste popolari contro i governi non democratici di Tunisia, Algeria, Egitto, Albania...

Su questi movimenti, spesso guidati dalle generazioni più giovani che chiedono maggiori diritti, libertà e lavoro, si dovrebbe riflettere. Prima di tutto perchè, troppo spesso si da per scontato che la democrazia si sia solidamente affermata nei paesi a noi vicini. Il secondo motivo, personalmente, ritengo sia legato agli effetti che questi movimenti possono avere. Si avvierà il percorso verso una democrazia vera o, magari perchè premiate dal voto popolare, prenderanno il potere (e mi riferisco ai paesi del nord-Africa) forse anti-democratiche legate a movimenti estremisti? Su questo credo sarebbe buona cosa riflettere.

E di questo si dovrebbe occupare la nostra diplomazia, invece il caro "ministro" Frattini si preoccupa di andare in Senato a riferire sugli importantissimi documenti sulla casa di AN a Montecarlo, che schifo! (ovviamente su richiesta del suo padrone-premier).

La Farnesina credo sarebbe anche bene se seguisse da vicino la crisi albanese , anche per i forti legami fra i due paesi. Se fossimo un paese riconosciuto come serio all'estero, l'Europa ci avrebbe certamente chiesto di fare questo, invece si è rivolta al diplomatico slovacco Miroslav Lajcak . Si vede che contiamo proprio tanto!!!

Sulla crisi albanese vi segnalo due link che ritengo utili, il primo è un link al documento/rapporto prodotto dall'OCSE in occasione delle elezioni parlamentari albanesi del giugno 2009, l'OCSE è la "Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe" che svolge da anni attività di monitoraggio anche delle elezioni. Si fanno delle interessanti valutazioni sull'andamento delle elezioni, il cui risultato contestato dall'opposizione è alla base delle agitazioni da essa promosse in questi giorno.

Se poi volete approfondire meglio la situazione del paese balcanico questo è il link al sito dell'OCSE e in particolare della stessa missione in Albania.

Baseball Centerpeices

Sirmione Services, because of advances on future consumption?

«Perché vengono chiesti continui anticipi sulle bollette dell'acqua quando la società comunale si presenta con bilanci in attivo?».
Questa la prima protesta che Forza Sirmione Democratica, compagine all'opposizione, muove all'indirizzo della giunta di centrodestra Mattinzoli. Ma there's more, they complain that the advisers of the minority, as "a lack of transparency in the acts, delays in the delivery of documentation for use by municipal council members, answers to questions often incomplete."
also says the group formed by William Saggioro, Donatella Garlaschi, Patrick and Andrea Toniolo Volpi (Luca Azzoni not participating in the municipal councils for some time) that "it is pointless to ask for clarification: to find news and information services are hampered by Sirmione. And speaking of the society, the minority throws the first strike.
"Because there's advances on future consumption of water? From the statements of the mayor in the municipal council of Mattinzoli December 30, Sirmione Services does not have the problems of accounts. So why can not eliminate this heavy tax, to more "advanced" to ease the burden of families Sirmione? ".
Another issue, then, but always on the bills. The opposition is asking "if the procedure is indeed legitimate to conclude that give citizens rent their properties to the formula of joint responsibility for any arrears of tenants against the power company." More
may not know, according to the directors of the minority, because they are excluded by the Board of Sirmione services, "effectively nullifying the representation of about 2 000 people who voted FSD.
The group also complains of the "substantial and unjustified delay in answering the practices necessary for conducting the Board and control of documents and answers to questions posed to the mayor Mattinzoli are often incomplete" and thus forced 'to propose continuing the same demands. "
The town clerk, Dr. Andrew Cacioppo, but notes "in a reasonable time has always answers the minority, but for reasons related to privacy, not all documents may be released as they claim. Also, given the functional load of the offices is extremely difficult to fulfill requests that require dozens of work long. "

source bresciaoggi.it

* reply * I note that we are waiting for two months of the staffing plan of the town of Sirmione and services, but what privacy? is a right to have the information needed to carry out the mandate of advisers, there is no reasonable time, but time dictated by law, not discretion to someone!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

8 Week Old Choking On Flem

phone call to Berlusconi infidel: Gad Lerner insults and orders the ...

Towards the end of the episode last night the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, called Live The Infidel, producing a barrage of insults. Then he invited the MEP of the PDL, Mortal Coil, to abandon the study.

Monday, January 24, 2011

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January 24, 1979 - Assassination of Guido Rossa. The

24 gennaio 1979 - assassinio di Guido Rossa.

Anche quest'anno mi pare cosa giusta dedicare tre righe a quanto successe il 24 gennaio del 1979, giorno in cui i delinquenti delle brigate rosse uccisero l'operaio genovese Guido Rossa.

I want to bring back what I wrote last year, I think one thing all in all well done, I hope it is appreciated.


home on Via Guido Rossa for years, this name is no longer seemed to me more than the sum of two words , did not seem correct to write only the Red (as I like the word) ... Growing up I had the chance to better understand why the city administration in animals 80 Chiesina had rightly decided header just a way to Guido Rossa.

Guido was a factory worker Italsider of Genoa, CGIL delegate and member of PCI.

Delinquents Brigades killed him on the morning of January 24 1979 mentre si stava recando al lavoro, lo ritenevano "colpevole di essere una spia" (fra molte virgolette perché tali criminali non si potevano permettere proprio nulla verso un onesto lavoratore) per aver denunciato un suo collega operaio che distribuiva materiale a firma BR all'interno dello stabilimento dell'Italsider.

L'assassinio di Guido Rossa segnò un momento cruciale per la storia del terrorismo brigatista, per la prima volta la delinquenza br uccise un operaio, un lavoratore impegnato nel Partito e nel Sindacato. Se mai ce ne fosse stato bisogno, fu la conferma di quanto le BR fossero tutto tranne che un qualcosa vicino alle classe operaia...

Per chi volesse saperne di più, segnalo:

- la pagina Wikipedia on Guido Rossa .
- the link to an episode of "The story we are" murder of Guido.
- The card on the film by Giuseppe Ferrara "Guido who challenged the Red Brigades" of course I never televised ..... what a shame.

- all in all well done a video where he tells his story briefly.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Can You Go To The Army With Hearing Aids

The law is equal for all

"Defend yourself out of the process, the process is subversive," if it has nothing to fear going to court, as would any citizen of simple and honest.