Tuesday, December 21, 2010

When I Cough Lower Left Abdomen

elections approach

The majority of our Municipality has inaugurated its "campaign" for the elections to be held next year, an article appeared in the Journal of Brescia on 18/11. The article is a Special - Castel Mella dedicated (udite! Hear!) Ecology and "green challenge".
The green is hard to bet ride, particularly since it is always an issue to the attention of the center-left. This initiative indicates a fear that will characterize the right as when ecologist ecologist never has been. This "eminent domain" is intended to fail miserably. The reasons are many and the green bet is lost from the outset. Here's why:
1) Castel Mella , know well the children's crèche, has built and continues to build for 15 years now, in an exaggerated and reckless, with a number of homes on offer that, by far, exceeded, over the years, the demand We are now dozens and dozens of empty apartments.
2) are not only built houses, has also given the opportunity to various companies to build warehouses and warehouses to have seen a use of land which led to identify our common among those who consumed more land in Italy (not only in Lombardy ..).
3) did nothing, I repeat nothing, in 15 anni,  per combattere l’inquinament o. Qualche anno fa non hanno neanche aderito allo stop dell’uso delle automobili la domenica, dopo che molti Comuni, in tutta la Lombardia,  l’avevano volentieri sottoscritto. E adesso vengono a scrivere sul Giornale di Brescia che  “ si è cercato - appunto solo cercato, senza però riuscirci – di combattere l’inquinamento con grande decisione(???) e con tutti gli interventi possibili..(quali interventi? l’articolo non li riportava!!).                                                                                          
I can say, from city councilor, who fought, it is true, but only those proposals of the minority. A few examples of explanation: ; ; ; Example No. 1: Some time ago we proposed to rent a unit for the detection of PM 10: rejected by these gentlemen, today all great ecologists. Example No. 2: Use of piedibus to send their children to school who live in proximity to it and then not to use cars to his parents until now if they do not do anything ...
4) say: "We designed the road changes to remove queues .." They have not drawn anything and I urge everyone to get out from Castel Mella from Memorial Avenue, from 7 to 8:00 in the morning ... By the way occhio alle rotonde: per raggiungere la tangenziale Sud da via Torbole sono tre. Il vantaggio è tangibile: per il tempo che si aspetta a superarle tutte, si può fare anche amicizia con i conducenti degli altri veicoli…
5)       Dicono: “Abbiamo cercato di valorizzare i corsi d’acqua ed il verde ..”                   Ma quale Green remained in Castel Mella? Perhaps it refers to what is around the round? ; ; ; ; In Consiglio Comunale, l’assessore Mannatrizi o ha detto che dove esisteva un prato costruiremo un capannone che darà lavoro ai cittadini di Castel Mella, anche perchè “un prato non produce niente ”.. Alla faccia dell’ecologia. (In quel capannone-lo sanno anche loro- lavoreranno solo ed esclusivamente extracomunitari).
6)     Dicono: “Ci siamo spinti con lo stesso impegno e determinazione nella direzione delle energie alternative..” A me non sembra. Nell’ultimo Consiglio Comunale (29/11)sono “spariti” alternative energy well € 140,000 and honestly I do not understand why .. - Certainly not been paying attention. "
Councilor Walker, in a gesture of sincerity, he said "have to deal with resources far ILIMIT" and adds that " big are the problems being experienced by many families of our country and critical situations affecting children .. "One of the few center-right that he finally realized that we really are in crisis .. chapeau.
For all these problems, however, the City has found the solution: give away kits for composting waste. You do not want to end up in Naples?  
                                                                         Nicola Mauro – Consigliere Comunale


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