Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Images Cancer Of The Tonsils


protest on university Novoli.

Then, during these hot days of the protest on the university side I would say, very modestly, my Novoli about what is happening in and nearby areas (station Rifredi).

Then, in Novoli even compared to last year's protest is heard much less, almost nothing. Why? In my opinion for two reasons:
- first year students this year, often the most sensitive, had the experience of last year's famous wave, which has grown like a wave before disappearing on bagnoasciuga. It found no serious answers in politics (some of the Democratic Party proposed a referendum against the cuts unfeasible Gelmini, that feeling! And that attention to the problems of school). I therefore believe that the new members at the University have also rightly some doubt on certain movements of protest.

- secondly, we have to Novoli, let's face it, not that we will break their backs to mobilize and inform students, in fact. In recent weeks the peak of the protest was to occupy (and remove) D5 in the classroom. The other years, the Sixth Polo and the right of the center have proven to live longer, you really feel the difference this year.
Added to this is that the concentration of political phenomena are concentrated in because of pandects. Phenomena that, after months of nothing, came up with a casino initiative with Santanchè exaggerated and that after the obvious answer of Swift, on the pretext of protesting have to take this opportunity to eat free meals, and their friends. Indifference, right, other students should give pause to many heads (?) Hot about the usefulness of such forms of protest.

But the real peak of genius hath been touched today! To win the support of masses of workers and commuters in the evening they come home by train, it was thought to occupy the rails Rifredi. What Ganzi! Too bad that no one has ever bothered to do leafleting in the street or lessons in the morning arrival of commuters ... We would have to wake up early! Better to take the tracks!

For now I think that's enough, and always about the university you point out the proposals of the Democratic Party here.

(ah, I wrote this post standing on the packed bus from Florence that brought me back home, I'll spare you the comments of fellow workers. All votes taken at gelmini yes!)


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