Monday, April 19, 2010

Vides De Ninas Foyando

Swimming Castelmella

So as not to lose memory ..

From "Here Castelmella" of 1/2/2006 - Page 9 - Article "Adopted variant for the pool."

The article reads: The construction of the new Olympic pool will be built in our country has taken the decisive step of his process. In fact, during the City Council held Wednesday, January 11, the first of 2006 was passed precisely the variation that provides the "new Olympic pool and the beach summer." Now the attention moves to the actual project and the imminent start of work.

Farther on we read - said Councillor Maureen Galeazzi - ".. a new reality that will be included with a particular focus in the area. In this sense, of course, always maintaining a very high environmental care .. "The pool will occupy land of 4,000 square meters (51 feet by 25, adjoining the gallery for 1200 seats) and will be done outside the summer beach.

Yes, however, forget to say that the Assessor will be expropriated about 7 hectares of agricultural land (70,000 square meters) where there were other structures: dwellings (townhouses) and even a hotel .. (private). Less then 70,000 4000 = 66,000 square meters more of soil that they go away and never returns. So much for attention .. and by very high environment ..

The beach summer then - the article continues - "supplement in the best way to become what it is (now within a short time) a very special oasis in the heart of the enterprising village situated just outside the city."

Castelmella then start to become the Sharm el Sheik of Padania.

But today, in April 2010, 4 years after our fateful City Council Deputy Mayor, the area has been recently arrested for abandonment of polluting materials ..

You had a refreshing bath in the midst of toxic waste?

Nicola Mauro - City Council - Civic List U.S. (and profits) for Castelmella.


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