Saturday, February 27, 2010

Do Bonefish Hosts Get Tips


Questo è quello che sta accedendo in un comune della nostra provincia Bresciana, questa è la politica del movimento che amministra anche il nostro comune.
La Lega Nord si sta manifestando in tutto il suo orrore compiendo atti che evocano il passato, un passato che dovrebbe essere stato di lezione e monito per le generazioni future, questo è l’insegnamento che vogliamo dare ai nostri figli?
Vogliamo insegnargli che è molto più facile prendersela con i deboli che affrontare con determinazione i forti?

is probably just what they want.

The League is a movement that speaks only to the belly of the people by establishing a climate of fear against the other, has gained increasing visibility in the era of horse tangentopoli presenting itself to voters as an alternative to "magna magna "In those years that gripped our country, but after 18 years of shadows and mysteries of present day newspapers reported a sick system that involves Italy again. In reality, then
thieving Rome became Rome chair, just look in our common re-reading the leaflets where we have brought to the attention of citizenship that happens in Castel Mella.
The wife of the senator and mayor of Chiari Mazzatorta League which is the sole auditor of the accounts in our town, the wife of the director who sits on the Board of Directors League Andreoli CM services for the € 3000 a year.

Councillors who live by politics, while others live the crisis on their skin they are guaranteed a future without layoffs.
And do not forget that in our town is a fatal accident happened at work, another plague that grips Italy today, but the dead man was an immigrant fell from a scaffold while living by building our City Hall, a town where if he was resident would have been applied for the recognition of rights, the principle of reciprocity, as in Article 1 comm. 6 municipal statute of Castel Mella.

Here below you find an interesting article ... Read it and draw appropriate conclusions.


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