Thursday, January 27, 2011

Baseball Centerpeices

Sirmione Services, because of advances on future consumption?

«Perché vengono chiesti continui anticipi sulle bollette dell'acqua quando la società comunale si presenta con bilanci in attivo?».
Questa la prima protesta che Forza Sirmione Democratica, compagine all'opposizione, muove all'indirizzo della giunta di centrodestra Mattinzoli. Ma there's more, they complain that the advisers of the minority, as "a lack of transparency in the acts, delays in the delivery of documentation for use by municipal council members, answers to questions often incomplete."
also says the group formed by William Saggioro, Donatella Garlaschi, Patrick and Andrea Toniolo Volpi (Luca Azzoni not participating in the municipal councils for some time) that "it is pointless to ask for clarification: to find news and information services are hampered by Sirmione. And speaking of the society, the minority throws the first strike.
"Because there's advances on future consumption of water? From the statements of the mayor in the municipal council of Mattinzoli December 30, Sirmione Services does not have the problems of accounts. So why can not eliminate this heavy tax, to more "advanced" to ease the burden of families Sirmione? ".
Another issue, then, but always on the bills. The opposition is asking "if the procedure is indeed legitimate to conclude that give citizens rent their properties to the formula of joint responsibility for any arrears of tenants against the power company." More
may not know, according to the directors of the minority, because they are excluded by the Board of Sirmione services, "effectively nullifying the representation of about 2 000 people who voted FSD.
The group also complains of the "substantial and unjustified delay in answering the practices necessary for conducting the Board and control of documents and answers to questions posed to the mayor Mattinzoli are often incomplete" and thus forced 'to propose continuing the same demands. "
The town clerk, Dr. Andrew Cacioppo, but notes "in a reasonable time has always answers the minority, but for reasons related to privacy, not all documents may be released as they claim. Also, given the functional load of the offices is extremely difficult to fulfill requests that require dozens of work long. "


* reply * I note that we are waiting for two months of the staffing plan of the town of Sirmione and services, but what privacy? is a right to have the information needed to carry out the mandate of advisers, there is no reasonable time, but time dictated by law, not discretion to someone!


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