Sunday, January 17, 2010

Orry, Message Looks Like Spam Or Phish To Me

Consiglio Comunale 8/01/2010: Come è andata...

Punto 2: Approvazione definitiva Piano di Governo del Territori o
Sono state presentati i pareri della Provincia e dell'Arpa e le osservazioni dei cittadini di Castel Mella. La Provincia ha mosso rilievi molto corposi e di carattere strategico chiedendo la cancellazione o il ridimensionamento di tutte o quasi le trasformazioni di suolo da agricolo ad edificabile previste dal PGT.

Il nostro Comune ha deciso di accogliere una sola osservazione avente grande valenza strategica e cioè the preservation of a corridor that allows the connection of via Don Bergomi to the industrial area of \u200b\u200bBrescia . The implementation plan was to occupy areas that are essential to the corridor was amended accordingly. On this theme prevails at last our approach. On the rest of the PGT still retains its original approach based on two key issues: the High School and the slip road Fallen - Bypass.
to achieve these two goals are sacrificed significant amounts of agricultural land as areas the city has transformed from agricultural to building land provided that the private sector to realize its own expense the necessary areas and hand strap building the school.

The Province has also noted that there are no resources to create a transport service for the school and has also called for a strong cash contribution to our City to finance the rising costs of public transport from the rise in population induced by TMP and support us, dall'abnorme increase in population caused by the old PGT.

These observations of the Province were rejected.
Our group voted against.

Step 3: Agenda against the location of a "logistics pole" Azzano Mella
Su nostra iniziativa il Consiglio Comunale ha discusso ed approvato all'unanimità un documento che si esprime contro la realizzazione di un “Polo Logistico” ad Azzano Mella su aree poste lungo la provinciale Quinzanese.
L'intervento progettato, di dimensioni elevatissime, se realizzato cambierebbe il volto di una vasta area della pianura bresciana e recherebbe enorme danno all'agricoltura e all'ambiente. Verrebbero infatti sottratti alla loro destinazione naturale circa 60 ettari di pregiatissimo terreno agricolo e si creerebbe nuovo traffico pesante sulla Quinzanese con centinaia di automezzi circolanti ogni giorno. Il pronunciamento era doveroso a sostegno delle popolazioni direttamente coinvolte, per la difesa dell'ambiente e per evitare new traffic on our roads already congested enough.

Step 4: Proposal to amend the Municipal Statute
On our initiative, the City Council discussed the proposal to repeal the 'Article 1.6 of the City Charter which states:
"In relations with residents in the territory belonging to other ethnic groups the policy is based, in general, the principle of reciprocity with respect to customs regulations in force. "
Neglecting here the legal reasons, you must immediately say that this rule is designed to say that ideologically Castel Mella relations with "other ethnicities" are not geared to the legal, hospitality and solidarity, but the denial of rights on the basis of a state law dating back to 1942 and completely overtaken by history.
The indignation aroused by the denial to foreign students deserving of scholarships and grants is not served at all.
Councilor Walker, with the Mayor Aliprandi, told the press that in 2010 foreigners will be allowed to participate in the competition for awards to deserving students, but contradicting with all members of his group, voted against our proposal .
the state of our City and then continue to divide the population by ethnic group (race, religion, language .....) to grant or deny rights.

John Caramagno
Parent Council Chamber


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